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Lindsborg City Council & Smoky Valley school board approved a $200K property purchase on October 10

The City Council held a special meeting on October 10 to approve the purchase of property located at 800 N. Kansas. The USD 400...

Lindsborg: Smoky Valley Chiropractic will collect winter clothing for people in need from Nov 1-15

Smoky Valley Chiropractic is collecting new or gently used winter coats, scarves and hat for men, women and children from November 1-15. Items may...

Lindsborg: Bethany College student writes, and directs the play “A Girl Called Red”

Bethany College junior, Sabrina Wollenberg, has written and is directing an original play “A Girl Called Red”. The play is an incredible battle between...

Lindsborg: Photographer Mary Hockenbery Artist-in-residence at the Red Barn

Red Barn Artist in Residence is Photographer Mary Hockenbery. She will use her time to explore the prairie and small town of Kana with...

Lindsborg City Council approved the purchase of equipment for Lindsborg EMS and Fire Department

The Lindsborg City Council recently approved Eric Kruckenberg, Dave Worthington and Alexander Brooks to the Lindsborg Fire Department and Kyle Sundell to the Lindsborg...

Lindsborg resident honored after 30 years of service with the United States Postal Service

Jane Brunsell was honored with a reception in recognition of 30 years of service to the United States Postal Service at the Lindsborg Post...

Lindsborg residents and Bethany College students held a chalk event on October 10

A Chalk event was held in Lindsborg and at Bethany College on Monday, October 10. The event was planned as a way to show...

Lindsborg: Scotts Hometown Foods Customer Appreciation Day Event on October 29

Scotts Hometown Foods, N. Harrison Street, will hold its Customer Appreciation Day on October 29 from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. There will be...

The Lindsborg Arts Council presents The Big Boo Ha Ha Night Before Halloween October 28

The Big Boo HA HA Night Before Halloween will be held at the J.O. Sundstrom Conference Center, Upper Level, 102 N. Main, on Friday,...

Lindsborg: Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery presents Chamber Music with Tatiana Tessman on piano October 23

Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery, 401 N. First Street, will host Chamber music on Sunday, October 23 at 2 P.M. Tatiana Tessman will be playing...
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