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Lindsborg Community Hospital and Bethany Home to offer FREE CNA Classes

Lindsborg Community Hospital and Bethany Home have teamed up to offer Certified Nursing Assistant Classes. Classes will begin in May and are donor-supported, tuition-free...

Lindsborg: Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery to open four new exhibits

Four new exhibits encompassing the 119th annual Midwest Art Exhibition will open at the Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery on Sunday, January 29 and remain...

McPherson Food Bank received donation from Lindsborg Hospital Employee Committee

The Lindsborg Community Hospital Employee Committee presented a check to the McPherson County Food Bank in the amount of $875 which they collected during...

Lindsborg: Annual Christmas Vesper Service at The Freemount Lutheran Church on Dec 18th

Freemount Lutheran Church, 2511 8th Avenue, rural Lindsborg, will host their annual Christmas Vesper Service on Sunday, December 18 beginning at 5:50 P.M. There...

Lindsborg: New scholarship announced by Bethany College President, William Jones

Bethany College President, William Jones, announced on December 1 that the college will offer tuition-free scholarships to all students graduating from a McPherson or...

Christmas Concert at the Birger Sandzen Art Gallery on Dec 11

Sandzen Art Gallery, 401 N. First St., will have its annual Christmas Concert at 2 P.M. December 11. The McPherson Brass Quintet will entertain...

Lindsborg will celebrate The Santa Lucia Festival on Dec 10

St. Lucia Festival will start 10:30 A.M. December 10, in 100 block of North Main, downtown Lindsborg with live Christmas Music. 11 A.M. the...

Circles of McPherson expanding to Lindsborg

Circles of McPherson is looking to offer classes in Lindsborg. Circles of McPherson, is the local branch of Circles USA, which provides support to...

Lindsborg: “Sunset Irrigation” photo wins 3rd place in Kansas Water Photos Contest

Patty Turnquist’s “Sunset Irrigation” photo won third place in the Kansas Water Offices photo contest. The contest which features Kansas water photos was designed...

Lindsborg: Smoky Valley teacher awarded Mohling scholarship

Laura Leis, fifth grade science teacher at Smoky Valley Middle School was the state-wide winner of the Wendell G. Mohling Foundation Scholarship Award. She...
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