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Haven Fall Festival Announced

Fall Festival will be held on October 8 in downtown Haven. Entries are being accepted for the Car and Bike Show, Vendor, Minute to...

The City of Haven approved donation request

The City of Haven approved a request from Clark Wedel, Superintendent of USD 312, to donate additional items to the school district to be...

Haven resident attended Kansas Cosmosphere Space 301 camp

Sierra Green, attended Space 301, a week long astronaut training camp at the Kansas Cosmosphere during the summer. Sierra has attended the Space201 in...

Haven High School graduate receives Scholar Award

Shelby Davis, a 2016 Haven High School graduate, accepted a $1,500 Hays City Scholar Award and a $900 Academic Opportunity Scholarship in psychology from...

Senior Center Maintenance Fund Benefit

A benefit for the Senior  will be held in Pioneer Park on July 30th from 10:00a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be Hamburgers, Hot...

John Loehr Family Breakfast Fundraiser

Saturday, July 23rd – FREE-WILL DONATION 7 – 11 a.m. (or until we run out) St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall 8513 East Arlington Rd., Haven, KS John...

Haven Booster Club Spirit Night Dance.

At the June 20th City Council Meeting the Haven Booster Club received permission to use the City’s tennis courts on Friday, August 26th from...

Haven City WiFi Proposal.

The Haven City Council recently voted down a proposal to providing WiFi to the patrons at the City’s pool 3-1. Pool Manager Mark Robinson...

Haven: Click It or Ticket

 The Haven Police Department will be participating in the Click It or Ticket program through June 5. Wear your seatbelt to avoid a ticket.

Haven: Foster named Teachers of Promise

Ridge Foster was identified as a 2015–16 “Teachers of Promise” in secondary education. Ridge a history major is a graduating Senior.  
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