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Augusta: “Adopt-a-Pot” Deadline Approaches

Applications will be accepted through May 11 for planting in one of 53 pots to be entered in the 2016 "Adopt-a-Pot" Contest sponsored by...

Augusta: 2016 Summer Art Camp

The Augusta Arts Council presents STEAM, the 2016 Summer Art Camp with classes focused on blending Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Classes will...

Augusta: City council to consider new trail at Shryock Park

  The Augusta City Council listened to a proposal from City Manager Art Shaw and Assistant Manager Cody Simms for construction of a new trail...

Augusta: Legislative Luncheon at Sugar Shane’s Cafe

Kansas Representative Kristey Williams (R-Augusta) and Senator Ty Masterson (R-Andover), the Senate Ways and Means Committee Chair, had a Legislative Luncheon at Sugar Shane’s...

Augusta: “Adopt-a-Pot” Contest has started

Augusta’s fifth annual "Adopt-a-Pot" Contest sponsored by the City of Augusta, Downtown Augusta, Inc., and Augusta Chamber of Commerce is underway.  Individuals, organizations, and...

Augusta: Council asks Neighborhood Revitalization Plan to be redrafted

  After a public hearing about the city’s Neighborhood Revitalization Plan (NRP), the Augusta City Council voted for the resolution requesting that the NRP encompass...

Augusta: City receives budgeting award

The City of Augusta received the Government Finance Officers Association of the U.S. and Canada (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its budget. According...

Augusta: Bugs Bunny Club Bike Give Away

Local officers will share fire safety tips and other safety information with children at the 42nd annual Bugs Bunny Club. The club is held...

Augusta: High School’s Future Business Leaders of America compete at Districts

 Twenty-one members of Augusta High School’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) club traveled to Kingman High School to compete in the District 5...

Augusta: Bugs Bunny Club

The Augusta Historic Theatre and Arts Council will host “The Bugs Bunny Club” for children each Saturday in March at 10:00AM. For information, visit...
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