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McKay, Jean

Chronicles of the farm woman: Four year olds primer

Days are getting longer.  Hens pick a bit of green bluegrass as they stroll here and there.  There is a faint smell of spring...

Chronicles of the Farm Woman: Homesteaders

The farm census taker called today.  We all received sample copies two weeks ago.  Some folks sat down right then and filled in the...

Chronicles of The Farm Woman: 4-H club

  The 4-H club members down this way joined in a club tour last Monday.  Why do so many things happen on Monday?  We used...

I Pledge…….

I Pledge……. _________________________________________   My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service, and, My Health for better living, for My Club, my Community, my...

Chronicles of The Farm Woman: Freedom for Women

    In commemoration of Women’s day in Emporia’s Rededication week activities, the Anthony Morse chapter, Daughters of Colonists has submitted the following article for...

Chronicles of The Farm Woman: Mental Health Association

Informal meetings con-cerning mental health have been held in the county in the past year.  Plans are now being made to form a Mental...

Chronicles of The Farm Woman: John Redmond Reservoir

   The five people from Hartford who attended hearings before the public works committee in Washington last week, did not see anything on the...

Chronicles of The Farm Woman: sashay in politics

Most of the readers of this column are probably aware that the writer recently made a brief sashay in politics.  As this is written...

Chronicles of The Farm Woman: Kansas American Cancer Society

A call has been issued for the organization of the Lyon County chapter of the Kansas division of the American Cancer society.  The public...

Chronicles of The Farm Woman: Red Cross

 A year ago many women of the county were doing Red Cross sewing or knitting.  Red sweaters of all sizes and blue ones and...
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