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Stevenson, Tonya

Crushed To Restore

By: Tonya Stevenson One cold December morning I was talking on the phone.  Alerted to an incoming call, I saw it was my husband.  Answering,...

Reminiscing  on a Tree Limb

By: Tonya Stevenson This spring we were given the opportunity to pasture cattle on the mountain with our son.  He lives on one side, we...


by Tonya Stevenson Once the great King came not in all His might. But rather a humble child, on a lonely night. So was God’s glory beheld...

A White Face In A Black Night

By: Tonya Stevenson One snowy Thanksgiving evening at the old Buzzard Ranch we loaded into the new four wheel drive club cab Ford pick to...

Who Will Rule?

By: Tonya Stevenson Disillusioned with man and life, you bet!   Where is goodness, justice, truth and love?  It seems evil prevails, nowhere is that more...

Life’s Treasures (Part 2)

  By: Tonya Stevenson The last two weeks have been a rollercoaster, but the roller coaster’s gone over the moon. Last Sunday Taylor withdrew and quit communicating...

Life’s Treasures

By: Tonya Stevenson I could write a dozen stories of the many simple blessing of our busy lives this last two weeks.  As each rushing...

Finding Rest

By: Tonya Stevenson We drove two hours to see our oldest daughter.  We were going to see her last week but she took on a...

What Goes Around Comes Around

By Tonya Stevenson A few months past my fourth birthday Mom and my stepdad drove us through a wintery day up the steep black canyons...

Insanity of Love

By: Tonya Stevenson As far as dates went when I met Otie, we went dancing one time before we were engaged, otherwise I went along...
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