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Gilliland, Steve

Georgia Cubes

Ask any knowledgeable fisherman why they fish precisely where they do and their explanation will likely include the presence of some sort of underwater...

You Just Shot What?

I figure I’ve written this outdoor column long enough by now that I’ve earned license to ramble a little, so here goes. Most of...

Concealed Carry with No Permit?

Any of you who get legislative updates from the NRA or the Kansas Rifle Association (KSRA) have read by now about a new proposed constitutional amendment...

Bobcat Trapping Tips

I drove back a craggy rutted lane that follows a mostly-dry creek bed into a pasture dotted with big overgrown cedars. The creek bed winds...

Just Who is the Humane Society of the United States ?

As a hunter, fisherman and trapper, I know that the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is a very powerful, wealthy, politically active animal...

Sentinels of the Woods

Squirrels – even though they totally trash the front yard with acorn shells from my pin oak trees, and even drag big acorns in from...

What’s new pussycate?

It’s fairly common that traps set for bobcats remain empty for a while, (at least it’s common for my bobcat traps to remain empty for...

I resolve to stop resolving

While not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, there are always things to improve upon, so I thought this week I would pen a...

Twas the night before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas but our deer camp was shaken Not a hunter was happy cause’ no deer had been taken. Our deer tags were...

Operation game thief

About this time each year we begin to hear and read stories that all center on the illegal taking of Kansas wildlife. Whether it’s...
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