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Gilliland, Steve

Farm Kid Rabbit Hunting

During the 1960’s there was an oil boom in Morrow County, Ohio where we grew up, and either there were no regulations on anything...

What Next?

Tuesday morning, I harvested this year’s deer, a 2 ½ year old buck just right for the freezer. The morning hunts were not without...

Operation Game Thief

About this time each year, with numerous hunting and trapping seasons in full swing, we begin to hear and read stories that all center...

A Week of Reminiscing

Last week was a week of reminiscing. First of all, all five of us siblings were able to get together for a few days,...

The Great Coon’ Bait Caper

When it comes to eating habits, raccoons are a lot like teenage boys; they’ll eat anything that smells good, and a lot of things...

What’s In Your Chimney?

Every fall, when we start seeing the starlings and blackbirds gathering in big groups that swirl and dance across the sky, I think about...

Yup, You Just Never know When You Might Need it

Just today at a 90th birthday celebration for a member of our community, some of us sat around a table discussing our tendencies to...

Does it, or doesn’t it?

I first learned to hunt deer with a group of neighbors where I grew-up in Ohio. We all had our favorite stands or places...

Camouflage on a Shoestring

The first early deer seasons of the year are right around the corner, meaning hunters should be digging out their gear in preparation. A...

Man’s Best Friend, we Love You!

Today I want to pay homage to man’s best friend, for nowhere is man’s best friend appreciated more than in the world of outdoor...
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