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Midsummers and the pulsating call of home

Over the decades, the Midsummers Festival in Lindsborg has confirmed generations of Swedish tradition, encouraged new ventures, tried new venues and refined old ones. And over those...

A happy anniversary for a critic’s work

A couple of years ago this spring, a woman stopped at the News-Record office, announced that she had moved to Lindsborg and would like to write for...

Running amuck in the salon

Kids running loose in a hair salon can absolutely drive hairdressers crazy but more than that it is dangerous for them not to be...

Roger’s view from the hills: Get out the vote

"YOU CAN'T DO IT UNLESS YOU CAN IMAGINE IT." George Lucas This may be where you may think I am jumping into the fray and...

I remember: A better situation

By Doris Schroeder If you, like me, are flabbergasted at the happenings going on in our world today, you are not alone. When I was...


Have you heard about the greatest moneymaking franchise since Nerds-To-Go? It’s called Rent-A-Chicken and it was started by Leslie Suitor six years ago in...

Chronicles of The Farm Woman

The Farm Woman   Two hundred and forty-nine boys and girls received diplomas at the eight grade commencement Saturday morning.  A group of quiet, alert youngsters,...

Camouflage on a a shoestring

Webster’s dictionary describes camouflage as “A disguise; a deception; to disguise in order to conceal.” Anyone who has priced camouflage clothing at sporting goods stores...

Green fields

By John Schlageck, Kansas Farm Bureau This year Kansas has green fields, kissed by the sun. There are blue skies with white clouds high above....

The Covered Dish – Pork Chili

This week I am featuring a recipe that is bringing me a great deal of positive comments at work. Every time I present a recipe...
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