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Yield, Milo

Bank protocol outmaneuvered

A retired farmer sold his farm for a tidy sum and deposited all his money into a large, impersonal bank in a nearby city. One...

Milo Yield: Story & Poem (The A.I. version)

Readers will recall that last week’s column was about the benefits, dangers, and even humor, found in the new technology rage — Artificial Intelligence. I...

Artificial Intelligence

The topic of Artificial Intelligence (a different kind of AI than we aggies are accustomed to) seems to be everywhere in the news these...

Thankful! And, MAD!

                    This week I’m eternally thankful that I’m still around to write this column. And, I’m mad because I escaped an untimely demise —...

Wildlife update

I’ve had all kinds of close encounters with snakes during my life. Years ago, I almost got bit by a rattlesnake that I temporarily...

Why I’m so smart

This week I learned why I’m so smart. It’s because I have a bigger brain. How do I know I have a bigger brain?...

Long-range profit

An elderly farmer refused all modern bookkeeping methods. For decades he kept all his farm accounts in a bulging cigar box. His son, who had...

Milo For President

This past week saw everyone and his or her dog enter the fray and melee to become the next U.S. president. The list is long...

Soapbox diatribe

Every once in a while something or someone trips my “soapbox trigger” and I can’t refrain from spouting off about it. The latest soapbox...

Salty art

A rural lass in college at my alma mater, Bea Wilder U., got stuck in a modern art class as one of her pre-requisites....
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