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Yield, Milo

Laugh tracks in the dust: Chase County Fair

Our Chase County Fair is finished and, as usual, some cute and funny stories emerged during the annual event. Probably the cutest wuz during the...

Laugh tracks in the dust

The Chase County Fair is next week and it promises to be hot one, literally. The heat index is forecast at above 100. It...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

   Folks, it’s finally “Nectar of the Gods” season here on Damphewmore Acres. By that I mean that for awhile, I can eat ripened-on-the-vine...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

Strange weather became the norm during late spring and early summer here in the Flint Hills. Early drought was followed by a couple weeks...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

        As I write this column, I’m scratching three oozing, itchy chigger bites. Yep, it’s that time of the summer again when -- try...

Laugh Tracks In The Dust

My friend of many, many years, Ole D. Scribe from Puyallup, Wash., summoned the energy to send me this funny story. Here’s his tale...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust – Original Yondering Lures

I mentioned last week that when ol’ Nevah and me were on our return trip from Tennessee, we made a stop in Mountain Home...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

I should have figgered as much. Just let ol’ Nevah and me leave Damphewmore Acres for a nine-day vacation to Tennessee for our grandson...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

A friend of mine has two rambunctious elementary school aged sons who love to spend their time picking at each other and roughhousing. Well,...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

            I finally had to do it. I’m gonna have to file for semi-permanent disability. And the person to blame for it is my...
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