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Yield, Milo

Laugh tracks in the dust: Trip to Northwest Arkansas

Nevah and I got a little stir-crazy a few weeks ago and made a short vacation trip to northwest Arkansas to see our long-time...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: What’s for Supper

A friend of mine, ol’ Freeman Speaker, is in big trouble with his wife. A few days ago, he came home from the field...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Grandkids

My county ag extension agent buddy, ol’ Avery Ware, returned with a dandy, humorous story that happened to him during his recent week-long vacation...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Viewing the Field

by Milo Yield Seventy days surely have changed the scenery around Damphewmore Acres. We’ve gone from green, lush Eden-like conditions in June and July to...

Laughs tracks in the dust: Fading Memory

Seventy days surely have changed the scenery around Damphewmore Acres. We’ve gone from green, lush Eden-like conditions in June and July to brown, cracked-soil,...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Coyotes and my chickens

My ongoing saga with coyotes and my chickens continued last week. I wuz batching last weekend while Nevah wuz on a quilting expedition to...

Laugh tracks in the dust

Here’s a perfect story illustrating that young ears are always listening and that you never know what will come out of the mouths of...

Laugh tracks in the dust

Here’s a perfect story illustrating that young ears are always listening and that you never know what will come out of the mouths of...

Laugh tracks in the dust

My New Mexico friend, ol’ Albie Kirky, extended his stay in the Flint Hills another week and we got in some more good fishing...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

The gardening season is winding down here at Damphewmore Acres. It’s reached the “giving tomatoes away” stage. Ol’ Nevah and I have canned all...
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