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Yield, Milo

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: Senior Skip Pheasant Trip

  My story a couple weeks ago about some wayward high school seniors who skipped school to pheasant hunt and then got disciplined when they...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: “Pet” Quail

It’s the day after Thanksgiving Day and it’s wet and cold with freezing rain. I usually postpone going to my basement office to write...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: Quail hunting report

    I said I’d give a quail hunting report this week, so here it is. I hoped for a red-letter opening day, but got a...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: “Southeast Kansas lives matter, too”

I may be way over the hill, but I still get excited when quail hunting season  begins. The season opens tomorrow and my friends...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Trip to Northwest Arkansas

Nevah and I got a little stir-crazy a few weeks ago and made a short vacation trip to northwest Arkansas to see our long-time...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: What’s for Supper

A friend of mine, ol’ Freeman Speaker, is in big trouble with his wife. A few days ago, he came home from the field...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Grandkids

My county ag extension agent buddy, ol’ Avery Ware, returned with a dandy, humorous story that happened to him during his recent week-long vacation...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Viewing the Field

by Milo Yield Seventy days surely have changed the scenery around Damphewmore Acres. We’ve gone from green, lush Eden-like conditions in June and July to...

Laughs tracks in the dust: Fading Memory

Seventy days surely have changed the scenery around Damphewmore Acres. We’ve gone from green, lush Eden-like conditions in June and July to brown, cracked-soil,...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Coyotes and my chickens

My ongoing saga with coyotes and my chickens continued last week. I wuz batching last weekend while Nevah wuz on a quilting expedition to...
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