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Yield, Milo

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: Nice old gentleman

Sometimes mistaken identity can be embarrassing — funny, too. Here’s proof in a true story related to me by my county extension agent buddy,...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Killdeer

When my ol’ Iowa pheasant hunting buddy who moved to near Miami, Okla., several years ago, ol’ Limpy Neese, saw my killdeer story in...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: Bird stories

I mentioned recently that I’d moved my purple martin bird houses to a new, more open location. Of course, the dreaded starlings and pesky...

Laugh Tracks In The Dust: Good attitude, but little aptitude

It’s gets tougher and tougher to find good temporary hired help on today’s farms and ranches. Farm boys who know the aggie ropes are...

Laugh Tracks: “Dirty Kansas” bike ride

The “cultural conflict” that exists between city folks and country folks is legendary. The conflict usually stems from misunderstandings, not mis-intentions. The most egregious from...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: C-NILE VIRUS

Socially awkward situations. They happen to all of us, and by their very definition, they always happen at inopportune times. Such wuz what happened to...

Laugh tracks in the dust: BETO Junction

Holy Toledo, folks. Three days ago it wuz 80 degrees, with a soft wind out of the southwest, and the crappie were biting for...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Calving season stories

Oh, my, this late winter is a strange one. It’s been so warm and we had a nice shower that I tilled up some...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Prankster

Last week I pulled a fun, harmless, but a tad nasty, little prank on an innocent person. An upstanding young feller in our community works...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: Last Big Hunt in the Sky

Few thing are sadder than saying your last farewells to a family member or a treasured human friend. However, a close sad second to...
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