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Yield, Milo

Laugh tracks in the dust: A health warning to would-be vegetarians

These days there are a jillion different diets to try, but none work as well as the Will Power Diet. His works every time...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: You are what you eat – Jerky

Someone told me recently that you are what you eat. After some thought about that statement, I guess I’d have to agree since one...


A plump television reporter sets up his camera In the Gargantuan Supermarket aisle, As urban consumers crowd ‘round to get selfies And videos for their Facebook files.   He...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

Gosh, we had two days in a row this week with the temperatures soaring into the 70s. I wanted to go fishing, but did...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

Anyone who has bought and then tried to interpret and use a hunting or fishing license — or if he/she is trying to interpret...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

  Ah, the news. The things you find out in the news that aren’t earth-shaking, but interesting all the same. To wit: A news item that...

Laugh tracks in the dust: 43 years of whit and wisdom

And so begins my 43rd year of continuous weekly column writing. By my count that 2,184 columns done and this, the 2,185th, in the...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Ol’ B. D. Law

I didn’t think ol’ Nevah and I were nimble enuf to dodge anything these days, but last weekend we dodged the massive ice storm...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust: Fly-Over Nation

            My little observation last week about driverless farm, ranch, and commercial vehicles in the Fly-Over Nation struck a chord...

Laugh tracks in the dust: Driverless, computer-loaded cattle trucks

The news almost daily comes up with stories about driverless vehicles and artificial intelligence. Judging from the news stories, it won’t be long until...
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