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Yield, Milo

“Gall”den Age of Beef?

Sometimes when I surf the internet for column ideas, I uncover a nugget of information about agriculture that makes me feel as lucky as...

Over-feeding hay

A farmer plowed through the snow during the recent blizzard, but finally made it to his rural church. He wuz relieved to see that...

Blizzard of 2025

As I write this column, I'm happy to announce that so far ol' Nevah and I have survived the Great Blizzard of 2025. The...

Long-ago New Year’s Eve

New Year's Eve, 2025, has come and gone and I hope you survived the celebration. When I started contemplating New Year's Eve happenings from...

Evolving American Names

Several times a week, while driving to the Old Geezer Gang Coffee Klatch, I drive past the elementary school in Riley. Out by the...

Most disappointing Christmas present

  If I wrote about a childhood Christmas present, most readers likely expect me to write an uplifting column about a favorite present I found...


Ah, recall nostalgic Christmases, So many years ago. That fondly stir up memories, And tug our heart-strings so.   T’was back when the old Christmas tree, Was a cedar, not...

Fido & Robo

Email: [email protected] Web: www.miloyield.com Most folks will agree that dogs are really "man's best friend." After all, in general, the world's "Fidos" are loyal, warm &...

Young Aggie Learnin’

One beautiful fall morning at dawn, a Missouri rancher and young son set out for a peaceful day of working the calves in their...

Scammer’s rainfall report

I can't think of, nor describe, a lower form of human pest than the internet scammer. Those are the folks who with irritatingly, frustratingly...
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big iron
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