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Marshall, John

Among the stories from Christmases ago

We note with awe each year the beauty that Lindsborg and the Smoky Valley bring to Christmas. No village in Kansas is more lovely at this...

Election and onward: Notes and comment

IN MCPHERSON County and other paper ballot locations, voters sign in at each polling station with pen and ink in a large book that lists all...

Fear and darkness in a thruway blizzard

It’s been a couple of weeks since a double-whammy blizzard buried Buffalo and a good part of western New York. Successive “lake effect” storms carried moisture...

On giving thanks

The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, “God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are.” – Luke 18:11 Without speaking for anyone...

Autumn perfect for the trail, its lessons in history

Not long ago we stopped along Union Street, where the Välkommen Trail intersects, and looked both ways, as we do at nearly all the Trail intersections,...

Redskins, oilskins

What’s in a name? The next election: There is a better way Big Sports is in a big snit over the mascot and name for Washington, D.C.’s professional...

Religion and politics, oil (gasoline) and water

Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. – Psalm 68:28 Put another way: “Summon your power, God; show us...

Washburn law professor questions Kobach’s fitness

In a stunning letter to Kansas editors on Sept. 24, Jim Concannon, a professor of law and former Dean of the Washburn University School of Law,...

Kansas, from Land of Ahs to Land of Guffaws

Kansas is the Mother Shipton, the Madame Thebes, the Witch of Endor, and the low barometer of the nation. When anything is going to happen in...

W.R. “Bill” Chestnut

W.R. “Bill” Chestnut, a man of many passions They had eaten lunch. It was early afternoon on a glorious Sunday (Sept. 14), and Bill and Denise Chestnut were...
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Pumpkin Bars

Lets be Prepared

Repatriated Fly Rod

A nothing Congress

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