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Pitts, Lee

Get The Picture?        

Boy, we sure have come a long way since George Eastman came out with his boxed camera. Initially, to get your pictures developed you...

Thank A Farm Animal  (Best Of)

“You meat eaters are all overweight,” said Ms. Veggie. “I bet you can take a shower and never get your feet wet.” “I am not...

On The Safe Side (Best Of)

I am ashamed to say that I lasted less than one year in the registered cattle business. It wasn't the people or the paper...

Yes, There’s A Santa Claus (Best Of)

Twas' the night before Christmas and the family was en-route to grandma's house. As they motored through the intersection of a small sleepy town the ill...

Another Friend Gone

The much-dreaded morning arrived and I was in a funk. Even though I'm prone to being that way, this day was especially depressing for it...

Long Live The Cow

Some market reports show bred heifers selling for $2,700 and young pairs fetching $3,300. And these are commercial cattle! I remember when a whole Gooseneck load...

Male Fraud (Best Of)

I have always had a problem with sex. Just last week I was in the grocery store and spotted the cutest little newborn baby...

Marryin’, Buryin’ & Carrion

Realizing they have an untapped resource for making money, many ranch families have extended their operations to include income streams besides livestock. Some have...

Dog Food

Tico writes a column for the Citizen's Gazette of Burnett, Texas, which is amazing because judging by his picture in the paper, Tico is...

Road Rage

The clean-cut boys and girls in their blue and gold FFA jackets make me so proud to be a former member. That was certainly...
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