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Pitts, Lee

Rat Hats

Sometimes I collect things because of how strange they are. Take my Stetson nutria hat, for example. Please! Ever since I was eight years old...

I Quit

Dear Mr. and Mrs. America, I'm not going to apologize because I broke the "woke" rules again or may have "misgendered" you in referring to...

Her High-Ness (Best Of)

Once upon a time in a fairy tale alternate universe, the Grand Champion of the Royal Cattle Show was proclaimed the "Queen of the...

Natural Gas

Our heater in the house is on the fritz so I checked with a heating and air conditioning firm we've done business with in...

Who Will Do Our Dirty Work?

There's much talk about how terrible it would be for agriculture if we ever did stop the illegal mass migration from south of the...

Caught Cheating

I don't know how to say this and I realize you're gonna think less of me after you read it but you might as...

Taking Inventory (Best Of)

Whenever I am having difficulty making a decision I always do what any reasonable person would do. I grab a yellow legal pad and...

A Life Well Lived

I am just a humble human who never saw a Star Wars movie, never drove faster than 85 miles per hour, never rode a...

Hard Of Earring

I always wondered which would be worse, losing one's eyesight or losing one's hearing? I can now answer that question definitely because I'm gradually...

Don’t Bet On The Blood

I continue to be amazed by the differences in people and animals that are closely related. For example, one of my good friends was...
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big iron
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