“Got up from writing a story, two ’til noon, Saturday, pushed three buttons, and nothing.”
Called for assistance from chore woman, who was headed for...
By Frank J. Buchman
The 2016 Topeka Farm Show will celebrate its 27th anniversary, January 5-6-7, at the Kansas Expocentre in Topeka, announced Steve Guenther...
“A new location with new leadership to be bigger, better, more of everything good for everybody horsey.”
The 19th annual EquiFest of Kansas is scheduled...
Prominent Kansas Rodeo Native Pronounced
‘Best Clown’ Around, And In The Barrel, Too
By Frank J. Buchman
“Rump has always been a clown.”
In the grade school classroom,...
By Frank J. Buchman
“The barnyard looks like an icy jungle.”
Several made that evaluation driving past the ranch during recent winter weather, weeks before the...
By Frank J. Buchman
Truly, he’s the unsung hero of ranch rodeo.
Temperatures were hovering at 32 degrees with bawling cows standing in three inches of...