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Schroeder, Doris

Remembering Memorial Day

By Doris Schroeder On the day you receive this paper, we will be looking forward to Memorial Day...the one set aside to remember our military who...

I remember: “By the sweat of your face”

It is strange how life in “an older” person changes as life continues.  It does seem that doing the “usual” things takes a little...

I remember: The Garden grows again!

By Doris Schroeder On most Kansas evenings when it’s not raining or storming and as the sun  begins to slip down into the recesses of...

I remember: My Mom

By Doris Schroeder My mother was unusual, I grant you, but as I think back, I learned many things from her. No, she wasn’t perfect...

I remember  “The cattle drives” of the past

By Doris Schroeder I’m not speaking of the cattle drives in Dodge City in the 1860 era, although my family did live in Dodge between...

I remember: “Singing I go!”

            To a lot of our family, singing has been a wonderful way of expressing ourselves.  Actually, none of...

I remember: A wistful goodbye to the country school and ‘the simple life!’

By Doris Schroeder If my memory serves me right, it was somewhere around 1944 or 5 that my dad told me “Doris, we are going...

I Remember – Things that used to be!

By Doris Schroeder It has really been a special time to go through some old things this winter and remember “the things that used to...

I remember: It was there all the time!

By Doris Schroeder There is a story that publisher William Randolph Hearst had heard about a certain piece of artwork and decided that he wanted...

I remember: Spring has sprung

By Doris Schroeder Yes, it is here! It has finally arrived and we need it badly! We weren’t quite sure if we would get one...
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