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Miller, Amanda

Lettuce Eat Local: The X Factor

Amanda Miller Columnist Lettuce Eat Local   Formulating a concise definition of magic almost feels like we first need to invoke some type of magic to boil it...

Lettuce Eat Local: I Bet You Didn’t Zee This Coming

“In alphabetical order” typically means from A to Z. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone say, “from Z to A”; and...

Lettuce Eat Local: an Xtra special recipe

Amanda Miller Columnist Lettuce Eat Local Let’s pretend it was on purpose. I could have specifically bypassed it for multiple reasons: I thought maybe procrastinating would make...

Lettuce Eat Local: From A to Za’atar

Amanda Miller Columnist Lettuce Eat Local “Big Z, little z, what begins with Z?” I knew Dr. Seuss and I would follow the same queries in our...

Lettuce Eat Local: Y? or Y not?

Amanda Miller Columnist Lettuce Eat Local “Why?” you might ask. To which I could respond, “Why? Y!” It’s not often the question gives its own answer, but...

Lettuce Eat Local: It’s A Wasabi Winter

Amanda Miller Columnist Lettuce Eat Local   It’s still winter out there. The snow was gorgeous. I was particularly delighted the one night when those fat flakes were falling...

Lettuce Eat Local: So Vanilla

Mmm, wrinkly beans soaked for months in a volatile fermented liquid, turning it a nice light brown color. That doesn’t strike your fancy? How...

Lettuce Eat Local: Unusual Ubleck

Amanda Miller Columnist Lettuce Eat Local   A description of Scattergories came up in a parenting book I was reading the other day, and I recalled how much...

Lettuce Eat Local: Quark The Herald Angel Sings?

Amanda Miller Columnist Lettuce Eat Local You can never be sure what mood Benson will be in as he comes galloping, stomping, or sneaking up the stairs...
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