Amanda Miller
Lettuce Eat Local
Formulating a concise definition of magic almost feels like we first need to invoke some type of magic to boil it...
Amanda Miller
Lettuce Eat Local
Let’s pretend it was on purpose. I could have specifically bypassed it for multiple reasons: I thought maybe procrastinating would make...
Amanda Miller
Lettuce Eat Local
“Why?” you might ask. To which I could respond, “Why? Y!” It’s not often the question gives its own answer, but...
Amanda Miller
Lettuce Eat Local
It’s still winter out there.
The snow was gorgeous. I was particularly delighted the one night when those fat flakes were falling...
Amanda Miller
Lettuce Eat Local
A description of Scattergories came up in a parenting book I was reading the other day, and I recalled how much...
Amanda Miller
Lettuce Eat Local
You can never be sure what mood Benson will be in as he comes galloping, stomping, or sneaking up the stairs...