Your Tax Dollars At Work

Riding Hard


I don’t mind paying my share of taxes but when I see what my tax dollars are spent on it makes me madder than a rained-on rooster. For example, how do you feel about your taxes being spent by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on a $3 million program to expand access to sex change operations for minors as young as 13-years-old?

The NIH is using taxpayer money to promote transgenderism in children through the use of irreversible surgeries and hormones. They are also using our tax dollars on “The Trans Health Guide” website and other training materials that offer “gender-affirming medical and mental health care” which focuses on “transgender youth of color.” This is the same NIH that came under scrutiny after it was revealed that two youngsters committed suicide after taking hormones for two years and participating in an NIH study called “Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth.”

Another $700,000 of your money was spent to create “an inclusive teen pregnancy program for transgender boys.” I don’t care how much of our money they spend, a transgender boy is NEVER going to birth to a baby.

Another $50,000 in grant money was spent “to diversify the outdoors” by encouraging LGBTQ teenagers to attend Teen Wilderness Conservation Camps. What really gets my dander up is that this program to encourage transgender, lesbian, gay, and bisexual kids to go on wilderness conservation trips is a program of the United States Department of Agriculture!

Would somebody please tell me what this has to do with agriculture?

The grant was awarded to the Northwest Youth Corps to encourage more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queers to get outside and discover nature. (Their terminology, not mine.) One of the goals of the program is to teach urban lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and queers that nature can provide a “safe space” for them but what they’re gonna really discover is that nature is a very dangerous place where most animals and insects will either bite, sting or stab you.

They will also meet a lot of intimidating beasts in nature that are stronger, faster and longer in the tooth than they are. And how are these kids, who’ve been indoctrinated to believe that man is inferior to women, gonna feel when they find that in nature the male of the species is often bigger and better looking than the female?

The USDA feels that “nature is a great place for queer people to explore their identities.” I hope they bring their running shoes and are on the school cross country team because with the feds planting wolves and bears (not the Disney animatronic version) all over the west it may become essential for them to run like Hell.

The transgender youth are also going to see things in nature that will haunt them in their dreams. They’ll see things in the natural world they despise like hunters, fishermen and rapists like male lions that can mate over 50 times per day! They may also see vultures, coyotes and crows feeding on the carcass of a baby lamb that was killed by the aforementioned wolves.

What I really fear is that transgender, gay and queer kids may find that not everything they read in their textbooks is accurate. For example, one textbook said that man is the only animal or insect that kills members of its own kind. The author must have never had an aquarium or an ant farm as a kid because if he’d had an ant farm he’d know that ants frequently go to war and kill members of their own tribe. If he’d have had an aquarium he’d know that exotic fish are racists and you have to be careful what fish you add to an aquarium because fish often kill other fish just because they don’t look like them. If a kid had an aquarium they’d know that one has to make frequent trips to the pet store to buy guppies to feed to their aquarium fish. And, heaven forbid, I hope they never see a video of what sharks do to a school of fish (including other sharks) when there are no surfers to dine on.


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