Whose AI?

Laugh Tracks in the Dust


All the regular news and business news these days is filled with information about the bright future that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to bring mankind. I have my doubts. As with most of the supposed societal advances brought to us by “the electronic age,” I suspect that AI will bring with it as many disadvantages as advantages.

The internet has proven to have pros and cons. Global Positioning has proven to have pros and cons. Drones have proven to have pros and cons. Will AI be any different?

I’m most likely exposing my “electronic age” ignorance about AI, but I have an overriding question about AI. It’s this: Whose Artificial Intelligence will be used? I want real intelligence.

My definition of intelligence is “the truth.” However, “the truth” has had infinite changes down through time. At one time in history, “the truth” wuz that the Earth wuz flat. That “truth” clearly changed. I can’t think of many “truths” that haven’t changed over time.

So, I’m asking if Artificial Intelligence will be based upon Democrat Intelligence, Republican Intelligence, Scientific Intelligence, Religious Intelligence, Historical Intelligence, or some Unknown Intelligence?

It surely makes a difference what the root source of AI is and whether it’s really is based upon truth. I guess all we peons can do is wait and see what the pros and cons of AI are.

As for me, I kinda wish the only kind of AI we had to deal with wuz the old aggie kind — Artificial Insemination,


Our daughter and son-in-law recently took a motorcycling vacation to Yellowstone Park along with two close friends. They returned with a humorous story about the resident ravens that hang out around Old Faithful geyser.

The vacationing foursome had to wait more than a half-hour for Old Faithful to blow its gasket. And, while they were waiting, a semi-tame raven worked the crowd for handouts. And, it got some. My son-in-law Harley Ryder wuz one of the raven’s benefactors.

Well, after the Old Faithful show, when they returned to their motorcycles in the parking lot, they discovered that the raven crowd wuz more than just beggars. It wuz also thieving.

Here’s what happened: The ravens managed to unzip one of the storage bags on their bikes and they helped themselves to the edible contents. They even pecked holes in zip lock plastic bags and ate the contents.

I know a bunch of crows is called a “murder” of crows. I wonder if a bunch of ravens is called a “Loot” of raven?


Speaking of birds, last week we had an unusual happening at the bird bath we have in our back yard. We’ve had a pair of bluebirds around all summer. But one morning a whole flock of 20 or more bluebirds descended on our bird bath and helped themselves to our generosity for at least 15 minutes. They splashed about all the water out of the bath. They haven’t been back since, so I’m guessing they were migrants.

Another local bird oddity to mention is that in the past few days a pair of scissor-tailed flycatchers — the state bird of Oklahoma — have moved in and been working our backyard for insects. It wuz the first I’d seen them all summer. Normally, the northern Flint Hills is out of the flycatcher’s range.


It’s well known that my favorite kind of music is country music — the old kind, not the semi-rappy kind that is now popular. Other reasons I like old time country music is that I can understand the lyrics, the lyrics tell a story with a message that’s easy to visualize, and it makes you feel like dancing.

One of my favorite C/W artists is rebel Jamey Johnson. Some of the songs he writes and sings have clever lyrics. Here are some of my favorite Jamey Johnson song lyrics:


“My life is just an old routine. Every day the same damn thing. Hell I can’t even tell if I’m alive. I tell you. The high cost of livin’, ain’t nothing like the cost of livin’ high.”


“Down in Mississippi, it’s getting perfectly clear. That anything you used to love. Just ain’t gonna grow round here. So, I’m mowing down the roses. That you planted in our yard.”


“Women! Can’t understand ’em. But tryin’ to is what makes the world go ’round. I’ve made a sad one laugh. And I’ve made a good one cry. I’ve made on scream my name to the good lord by and by. I’ve made ’em go insane and I’ve made ’em go away. Just can’t ever seem to make one stay.”


“I said would you like a drink. He said ‘thanks, I’ll have a double. I’ve worked up a powerful thirst, just listening to all your troubles. And while he makes that drink, I’ll smoke one if you got ’em. It might be lonely for you at the top, But its a bitch for me at the bottom.”


“And nowadays I dream of an old cane pole. My baby’s sweet tea and my favorite fishin’ hole. I sit down on that bank underneath the shade tree. And I thank God the Good Times, Lord Ain’t What They Used to Be.”


It’s that time of the year for the huge Ozark Fall Farmfest in Springfield, Mo. Anyone who likes to vacation while on “aggie bizness,” will enjoy attending. You’ll see everything from A to Z for your farm, ranch, homestead or home among the more 1,000 exhibits.

The dates are Oct. 4-5-6 on the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds. The show and parking are free.


Well, it’s time for the weekly words of wisdom. These are from bumper snickers: “Why do professional athletes think I should care about what they think. If I wanted advice from someone who chases a ball, I’d ask a dog.”

And, “If you believe a 3.5 trillion dollar spending bill will cost us ‘$0,’ then you are as dumb as the politicians think you are.”

Have a good ‘un.


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