What’s new pussycate?


It’s fairly common that traps set for bobcats remain empty for a while, (at least it’s common for my

bobcat traps to remain empty for a while,) as bobcats are nomads and may pass through your chosen

area only once every few days. So it was no surprise to me that the traps I was checking were indeed

empty again. However a weather front was forecast to move through that night so I wanted to be

certain the traps were as they should be in anticipation that the approaching weather would incite

critters to get out and roam. I was back off the beaten path a couple hundred yards in an L-shaped

wooded pasture through which a brushy dry creek wound like a writhing snake. Where I was, the

pasture made a right-angle and for fifty yards or so the creek crowded the fence line leaving a scant ten

foot trail between it and the bordering alfalfa field. The land owner had taken advantage of the creek’s

bone-dry state and cut lots of the brush and trees along it, simply toppling them into the creek bed,

making it a perfect bobcat hunting ground.

I usually check traps from the pickup window or four wheeler seat unless given a good reason to walk

up to them, like tonight. In the narrow trail described above, a cow path cut into the ground on the rim

of the creek and at one spot a big rock lay across the path. I get a dandy trapping magazine called

Trapper’s Post and the most recent issue seemed dedicated to bobcat trapping with articles on the

subject by several experienced trappers around the country. One article described and illustrated a good

set for bobcats that involved making them step over an object laid across a trail. Coyotes are just wary

enough that they often shy away from obvious objects placed in their path for them to step over and

around, but bobcats can be guided and shown where to step with ease. The article showed how a

bobcat can be guided to step directly into traps placed on each side of the object laid across the trail. It

seemed to me that the rock across the cow path was an ideal spot to try that trick for the first time. The

rock stuck out of the ground three or four inches, just enough to cause any critter traveling the cow path

to step up and over it. I bedded in a trap on each side of the rock directly in the center of the cow path,

surrounded each trap with natural looking sticks to force the cat’ to step directly into the trap, dusted

the traps over with a little grass and placed a couple long sticks along the edges to be sure any traveling

critter stuck to the path.

I climbed from the pickup to walk toward the apparently empty traps, and a flash of fur caught my eye.

God robed bobcats in an amazingly beautiful coat that blends with nearly any color scheme found in His

Creation, and that, coupled with a feline’s crazy ability to flatten itself to the ground, had hidden this

bobcat on the other side of the rock. Only when I began walking toward it did it feel threatened enough

to give up its position.

Ever since my brother and I started trapping as kids, we’ve had this sometimes idiotic desire to try every

new idea that comes along. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. But nowadays I have to guard

against doing quite the opposite; when I find something that works, I stick with it, which is sound

wisdom, but I easily become closed-minded to new ideas in the process. Allow me to offer some advice

to outdoorsmen and women, no matter your chosen sports. When you find ways and methods of doing

whatever that work for you, by all means stick with them. But always remain open to new ideas and

every year try a few of the ones that make the most sense to you; when all is said and done, you’ll not

be disappointed! Continue to Explore Kansas Outdoors.

Steve can be contacted by email at [email protected].


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