Thomas Aquinas
When the polio vaccine was achieved it was so effective that people rejoiced that the mysterious crippler of the young had been defeated. But the industry that had grew up around it determined that it would never happen again.
So you think that you are protected against so much because of all the vaccines that are shot into yourself and your kids? Short of small pox, all the diseases are still around.
A few years ago I asked the nurse why the flu vaccine was at best a hit and miss affair. She said that the predicters out of China was not predictable. What went around China, we ended up with.
So as a political person what were you doing during January and February of 2020. If you were a conservative you worried about the unknown virus from China. If you were liberal you were impeaching the president for a phone call that you listened to and created a false narrative.
People are selling their freedom because they are afraid to die. NEWS FLASH SCOOTER we are all going to die. Each in their appointed time. Yes we have a virus. Yes it is killing people. No you are not going to stop it by voting out the only president in history who made a promise and kept it.
The new elder in chief’s plans to fight Covid look similar to Trumps. Thank God he did the heavy lifting for him. As Vice-President Mr. Biden was put in charge of millions for a fight on one of our most dreaded diseases. The money went for salaries and not a dime for research.
When the vaccine is finally given world-wide do you believe you will get your freedoms back?
What are the other numbers? How many have died of flu? There is a 70% increase in suicide in Wichita (according to our governor in a national interview). How many delayed diagnosis of cancer and other diseases have there been?
Since the numbers of people have gone up that do not believe in God, it is understandable why so many are afraid. What do those people use for support? Those of faith have support. Those who don’t have ego.
It has been hard on the frontline workers. It has been hard on those who are deemed non-essential. It has been hard on those who have lost their business or job.
How much money will the government print to get us out of this. Hint: The paper is worth more than the value behind it. So we can go to electronic money that a computer glitch can wipe out with no trace.
Let me guess?