by Tonya Stevenson

Once the great King came not in all His might.
But rather a humble child, on a lonely night.
So was God’s glory beheld in own sight.
He came to fulfill the promise-to bring men life.

These are memories we hold dear on this day,
Yet He promised He’d return another way.
Among the clouds with a trump and a shout,
He will call His own to Him, so the Scriptures say.

Yes! First the dead and then the live in Christ shall rise,
To meet their welcome Savior, high up in the skies.
The hour and the day no man can realize.
So we must watch, that we be caught not by surprise.

He’s gone on ahead to prepare us a place.
He will come to take us when we finish this race.
Now let us run that we may rejoice.
Not be ashamed to behold His cherished face.

Of His Father’s many mansions, He let us know,
Because of grace,where He is we may be also.
So each Christmas this promise too I hold,
Knowing assuredly it also will unfold.

(1 Thess. 4: 13-18, John 14: 1-3 & Phil. 3:20)

Merry Christmas to all!


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