Three Counties Join For Grazing Management Field Day At Garnett October 28


By Frank J. Buchman

Increased grazing opportunities for grassland acreages will highlight the Grazing Management Field Day, sponsored by the Anderson, Linn, Coffey County Conservation Districts, and the Natural Resource Conservation Services (NRCS) offices in those counties, Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 28, announced Debbie Davis, Anderson County Conservation District secretary at Garnett.

Open to all landowners and land managers interested  in learning more about grazing, the program will be at the Frank Graham farm, eight miles west of Garnett, on Highway 32, beginning at 2 o’clock.

Jamie Lynn Farney, Extension animal scientist from Kansas State University, is to review benefits of grazing cover crops, while Rod Schaub, Frontier District Extension livestock production agent from Lyndon, will present information about alternative cross fencing options.

Dane Varney, Natural Resources Conservation Service area rangeland management specialist, is to discuss details for improving grazing management.

Weed control and management are topics for Vernon Yoder, the Anderson County weed director, as  Robert Harkrader, representing the  Coffey County NRCS,  will give an overview of financial assistance programs available to producers for grassland improvement.

Justin Harbit, Wildlife and Parks biologist, will discuss how wildlife fits into grazing programs.

A number of area businesses have provided financial assistance for the program to conclude with a complimentary supper about 5:30..

Reservations are required so nobody goes home hungry, and must be called in this week to one of these numbers: 785-448-6323, 620-364-2313 or 913-795-2940.


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