The War On Food

Riding Hard


Caren Cowan, owner and publisher of the New Mexico Stockman, always offers up a lot of food for thought in her monthly column. Speaking of food, Caren’s latest missive makes you wonder if supposedly smart people have any idea where their food comes from. For example, according to Caren, “Big banks are being urged to defund the farming industry to limit meat and dairy consumption.”

Caren also ran a story written by Frank Bergman from

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that claimed, “A collective of over 100 climate groups, led by Friends of the Earth, is pressuring JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and other private banks to stop financing global meat and dairy companies.”

According to Martin Bowman of Feedback Global, “Industrial livestock companies are incompatible with a safe future for our planet, so it’s time for banks and investors to turn off the taps and stop providing financing that is enabling them to grow.” He specifically called on banks to quit lending money to food companies like Tyson, JBS and he called out Bank of America for holding over half of the 134 billion in loans to meat and dairy operators across the country.

It sounds like the green wienies want farmers to plow under all their banking customers in order to control the food that people ingest. While not a fan of the Big Four packers, I think that if the big banks do buckle under from the pressure from the climate fanatics, people will starve to death around the world. Which is probably what the Friends of the Earth want in the first place. They seem to think this world would be a lot better off without any people.

A disturbing report done for Great Britain by Oxford University and the Imperial College of London not only urged everyone to give up meat and dairy products, they also demanded that airports everywhere be closed and the general public banned from using airplanes. Anyone caught doing so would be jailed for violating the Climate Change Act. Of course, the university professors didn’t call for government employees, greenies, rock stars, Climate Czar John Kerry or university professors to quit flying, because their work is so important and their time so valuable.

In order to reach the United Nations and the World Economic Forum’s NET ZERO goals, the university professors also demanded that no new construction should be allowed. The U.N. and the World Economic forum also said that people should stop doing anything that causes emissions. Evidently they haven’t been amongst their fellow man after a bad bean day at the Mexican food restaurant otherwise they’d realize that this would rid the world of people too because we are huge emitters, if you get my drift, and I think you do. All of makes you wonder, ARE THESE PEOPLE NUTS?

Of course they are.

After the greenies finish ridding the world of ranchers they will come after the farmers because of the emissions caused by their tractors. This will mean everyone will start roaming the forests to find roots, shoots and berries to eat and then they’ll be killed by all the wolves, bears and mountain lions the government turned loose. Which begs the question, who will save the wolves, fairy shrimp and pond scum after all the humans starve to death?

Time will tell if the big banks “lose interest” and buckle under from the pressure from the coalition of greenies to stop loaning money to farmers and ranchers. As for myself, I quit the big banks over 40 years ago when I figured out that they were, in the words of President Andrew Jackson, “a den, of vipers and thieves.” Ever since I’ve banked with our small town bank.

Personally, I don’t think the big banks will stop loaning money to meat and dairy producers and I’ll tell you why. For years I spotted bids at the California Bankers auction for my auctioneer friend Jim. The biggest difference I noticed between the big bankers and the ranchers I hang around with is the ranchers have manure on the outside of their boots. The bankers held their convention at one the poshest locales in the state and I noticed when they were served their filet mignons and baked potatoes heaped with real butter and sour cream you’d have thought it was feeding time at the zoo.



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