Malcom X
The latest trend in the media to chastise those whom they disagree with is to find the most hateful, willful, nasty child and have them lecture us in full outrage. This is some weird attempt of trying to shame the ‘adults’ in the room that if they don’t tow the line exactly as they see it, that they will holds us personally responsible for the cause that they are screaming about.
For one thing, I don’t take to a spoiled brat screaming and never will allow them to have any legitimate place in any conversation that I would have.
It drives me crazy when I see a kid throw a fit in a store and the parent tries to negotiate with the little twirp instead of putting a good snap on their back side. These are the kids that grow up to throw tantrums at college, or go on the camera to tell of the experience that they would have had, had they actually been at a terrible tragedy.
Somehow a teenager who skips school in Sweden and comes across the ocean on a sail boat to lecture the United Nations and stare daggers at our president, ticks me off. Funny how the poster of Hitlers youth seems to be the exact picture of this Greta Thornberg.
I also won’t be lectured by David Hogg about guns either. Kids acting hateful is just the reflection of the generation that raised them. They will not be noticed by thoughtful ideas but only by a media that thrives on young people lecturing the rest of us about how bad we are.
I have a saying about this that I will not write in this story. But I am thinking it. I am also thinking about the parents and teachers that allow this kind of behavior to become accepted and considered normal.
But a whole party of adults have now adopted the same attitudes as these tantrum throwing kids. They won’t have much success either.
Hate and anger have not solved a problem in the past. It won’t start now. So send the kid back home and try sending her to a school who will actually teach and not brainwash.
And stop passing off the Antifa T shirt that she is wearing as an oversight. Especially when her parents are wearing the same T shirt in the pictures.
If you were amazed that Hitler could lure a nation into world war and genocide, just watch what is happening today. This is how it is done.
When I share this opinion on social media there is an immediate backlash from people who act as friends until something is done that they do not agree with. I have had many advise me to unfriend these people but unlike them, I do not hold my friendship as hostage to those who I disagree with. I have many people that I consider friends and their politics has nothing to do with it.
Is it any wonder that our nation is in such a stressful period? Those who profess to know history totally forget, or ignore, what history has taught us.
You know you are winning an argument when the facts do not matter and name calling and hate is used instead. Unlike many who seem to make hate a part of their everyday life, they would be amazed at how little my life is actually affected by it.
There is a line from a movie and a real life incident that goes, WHY CAN’T WE ALL GET ALONG? Great question.