Strange World, Strange News

A Note from Dylan's Desk


Sometimes I feel that our world is too serious. Now, that comment can be taken in many ways, so allow me to elaborate. Our existence on this rotating rock in the vast expanse of the known and unknown universe is quite preposterous. I mean, just how lucky are we to really be alive right here and now? The amount of mind-boggling randomness that has happened in order to make our existence possible is just insane. So what I really mean to say is, relax, the rest of the world is just as crazy as you are. To prove it, I have found and researched several stories that seem pretty ridiculous to me, keep reading and maybe you will feel the same.

First of all, let’s talk about friendships. Friendships are great, we surround ourselves with the people we can tolerate in social interaction and our journey through life. Such is true for this feral Cow who decided she was going to live among the deer rather than the fellows of her own species. Bonnie the cow was being loaded for the slaughterhouse when she was ready for it and decided that she wasn’t going to become some meat and instead, took a retreat into the woods where she lived for several months. Eventually, she was recaptured by the Farm Sanctuary where she enjoys more controlled freedom.

Another such relationship is that of Penzie the Tortoise and Tuesday the Cheetah. Yeah that’s right, the world’s slowest animal and the fastest, kind of ironic to be honest. It sounds as though these two get along like an old married couple and enjoy their lives together in the Carson Springs Wildlife Conservation Centre in Florida.

In other strange news, NASA launched their Psyche missions to an asteroid made mostly of metal back in October of last year and it is just another example of our efforts to understand the space around us. The mission took off with the intent of discovering all that they could about the history of the asteroid named Psyche. The journey will take about 6 years to complete, using the gravity of Jupiter and Mars to slingshot its way there. All I know is, that I hope to live to see the first manned Mars mission, boy would that be a day to behold.

Rocketing back to Earth now, Italian scientists have discovered some rapid plant growth across parts of Antarctica recently. There are only two native species of plants that can be found in Antarctica as it is mostly Icy Tundra, but now those plants are being found in much greater abundance than before. The suspect? Climate change. The rapidly changing climate allows for such a shift in Antarctica’s ecology that hadn’t really been a concern. Scientists are now looking into how the continued rise of global temperatures contributes to the change in biodiversity in Antarctica.

Overall, I think it’s fair to say that our world is such a strange concept. These stories are but mere examples of the oddities that currently exist. Who knows what will happen next? From the bridge collapse this past week, to the election this year there are plenty of things around to keep us on our toes. Personally, I believe a little weirdness in the midst of our lives is a good thing, it gives us something to talk about at the dinner table if nothing else. It also reminds us that despite how busy we get, or how stressed out we may become, we need not worry about something so little in the vast expanse of life and the universe. Always remember, breathe, the world will keep on spinning if you forget about that one thing you were supposed to do.


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