This little guy cleaned out the feeder and was tuckered out from all the chewing or he arrived late and the box was empty so he decided to stretch out and pout for awhile. He was probably hoping we would see him and feel sorry for him and bring out more food and fill the feeder.

The squirrels in the yard were not happy just eating the food that slid out onto the tray of this feeder, so they chewed a half circle in the plastic that held the seed inside. The hole in the plastic made it possible for the birds and yes the squirrels to crawl right into the feeder to get to the left over sunflower seeds that are at the back of the feeder.

For some reason the squirrels haven’t figured out that the lid will raise up and they could crawl into the box that way. Or maybe it is easier for them to crawl under the plastic glass. Especially since they chewed a half circle big enough for them to shinny under it or lay down under it.

The squirrels in our yard never fail to amuse and amaze us with the things they have learned or can do. They have certainly made themselves at home in our yard. They all seem to have their own personality and there is definitely a pecking order when it comes to the feeders.

A couple of them will come up to the patio step and eat the whole peanuts and chopped nuts on the step. When the food is all gone they will stand up and put their front paws on the brick ledge and peek in the door. Talk about getting cheeky and demanding! But they are cute and I will usually put some more out when they leave the step.

The squirrels in our yard know us when we look out the window. Of course when my hair changes color from day to day due to the wigs I wear, they sometimes are not sure. So I have been waving at them when they look at me when I am in the window.

They have learned that the person waving at them, whether it is my husband or me is okay and we are the ones that feed them. They will stop eating when we wave and put their front paws on the little cup that holds the seeds and peer in at us. It looks like they are looking for the secret code to identify who that is in the window.

It only takes a few seconds for them to decide or remember that the one waving is okay and they know who that is. Then they will go back to eating. They are definitely tame in that sense but we know there is no way they will ever let us touch them. So we just have to enjoy them from afar and watch their antics as they squabble over the feeders to get their share.

One of the squirrels has built a large nest very high in the oak tree in the back yard. There is one of their favorite feeders in the same tree. And the nest looks out onto the feeder (in the photo above) on the power pole in the back yard. She can look out and watch as the feeders are filled in the morning and will know that breakfast is served and she can beat the others to the feeders.

We try to have food for all the critters and birds that stop by. They don’t go away hungry often unless they don’t show up until late in the afternoon and then they will probably be out of luck. We only put out so much food each day in the 4 feeders the squirrels and birds share. The Squirrel Bed and Breakfast is open daily, from 7:30 a.m. until the food is gone, at 7200 North Monroe. To contact Sandy: [email protected]


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