Spinach & Sausage Soup

The Covered Dish


OK, this week you get a ‘newbie’ soup, from my kitchen. I’ve made one very similar to this about 8-10 years ago, however they do differ by a few ingredients & spices. ErvIn and I adore soups, sometimes the prepping takes a little time, but the outcome is great. It’s quick for work and unless it’s a super rich soup, it’s usually easy on the calories. I’m wondering if it’s an age thing, or where we grew up, but I seldom ever turn down a good bowl of soup.

Today, I think I embarrassed Phillip, our son, because we went out for his birthday dinner today. The restaurant is one of our favorites in Springfield, Missouri, FD’s. It’s on the south end of the city, easy access for us, and the food there is excellent. So how did I embarrass him? The waitstaff individual asked me what I thought of the cup of gumbo? I responded with: ‘Very good for the state of Missouri’. Hey; I was honest, it was good for Missouri, now when I go south in a few days I expect absolutely excellent gumbo! DO NOT think I was making crude remarks, because FD’s is simply excellent quality and the prices are better than most restaurants in the area.

I didn’t get everything done on my list for the weekend, so I’ve got to put the pedal to the metal this week. I still have some cookie doughs to make for the freezer, and one batch of fudge. Plus I’m making some extra meals to take to my in-laws, in Springfield, this week. OH, and I’m making breakfast burritos too. That may come on the weekend!!!

We had a wonderful family Christmas on Saturday late afternoon. The food was excellent, and having little ones again was wonderful. Plus we found out we have another one headed our way in May. A great time was had by all, and guess what, the 2 toddlers slept all night!

I didn’t know what to call my soup this week, so feel free to rename it, just keep my name attached!

You could reach for turnip greens instead of spinach in the recipe, and of course, you can play around with the other ingredients. Petit Jean Andouille sausage is from Morrillton, Arkansas, and I think the heat of their link sausage is great. You will note I only used about ¾ of a pound instead of the entire 1 pound. I also peeled off the casing before cooking. The extra I put in the frig to cook with some breakfast eggs this week.

So how about a little tip this week that I have never done? I was on line reading last week and stumbled onto an article about Waffle House using only dehydrated potatoes. Yep, honest to goodness. I mentioned this to a friend, and she told me instant hash browns get a great deal crispier, then the fresh do. I’ve only used them in a breakfast casserole myself. So, I’m going to give it a try. It would be handier if you were in an RV or camping in general. I still like baking extra baked potatoes and frying the leftovers for breakfast the next morning.

I need to set the recipe and cart myself off to bed. By the time you read this column we will be just ‘days’ away from Christmas. Enjoy each moment my friends, and God Bless each and every one.


Spinach and Sausage Soup

3-4 tablespoons olive oil

1 medium-large onion, sweet, diced

3 stalks celery, diced

1 ½ – 2 cups diced/cubed sweet potatoes

¾ lb. Andouille Sausage, sliced and quartered

2 tablespoons dry celery

1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon ground savory

1 (15-20 oz.) can diced tomatoes

2 cans canelli beans, or white northern

8 cups stock, or 2 boxes of chicken stock, 1 no sodium, 1 with sodium

5 ounces, chopped spinach

In a stockpot, place the olive oil and sauté the onion, celery and the sweet potatoes. If the sweet potatoes don’t get quite done, that’s fine, they will finish once the stock is added. When you’ve sweated the sweet potatoes at least half way; add the prepared sausage, stirring to lightly brown. Add all spices and work into vegetables and meat. Add the tomatoes, beans and stock. Allow to heat thoroughly and then bring in the spinach towards the end; simmer a bit before serving.

Yes, it has a bit of a kick, but it’s not overwhelming. We had it for lunch on Saturday and I’m definitely ready for another bowl for lunch tomorrow.

Whatever you do, do not add any salt, UNLESS you used 8 cups of all unsalted chicken stock. Then; taste as you go.


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