Nostalgia and Thoughts: Birthday Shirt


What happens when you turn a certain age? That all depends on your BFF and her daughter. I had a very interesting birthday this year. Every few days during the last two weeks before my birthday my BFF sent a card. Each card had a little saying taped inside about the age I would be on my birthday.
Heckling my BFF about being the baby in our foursome probably hasn’t helped when my birthday comes around. I am 3 months younger than my husband and he is 6 months younger than my BFF. Her husband is older than she is. My birthday is late January and hers is early March so we are the same age for almost three months and she makes sure I remember we are the same age for those 3 months.
I don’t let her forget when her birthday rolls around that she is a year older and I am the baby again. Then I have 9 months to rub it in every chance I get. Maybe I deserve all the meanness she dishes out when my birthday comes around again?
It made me wonder if my BFF had something to do with the shirt I received from her daughter on my birthday. Or heaven forbid her daughter did this all on her own and she is turning into her mother and I will have two picking on me.
My BFF’s daughter gave me a long sleeve t-shirt for my birthday. It is red; one of my favorite colors. I was not sure about the saying in the beginning, but after wearing it once I fell in love with the shirt and the saying. I’ve worn it a lot with my black jeans.
I surprised my BFF’s daughter a few months ago when she called to talk to her mother while we’re shopping. I had her mother ask her if she could tell me where to order a black shirt. She was surprised when she heard that I wanted another shirt. (She wouldn’t tell me where she got it (must have been afraid of payback on her birthday) that ordered me another one within minutes and called back to tell me it was on the way.)
I told her the reason I wanted another birthday shirt is because of the reaction people have when I wear it. It is fun to watch their faces when they see the shirt. It’s been a lot of entertainment for me watching the people around me when I wear either the red or black one.
Sometimes you can see the wheels turning as they try to do the math in their head. Once they figure it out they always look up at my face. I just smile and nod and keep walking. Sometimes if I know them I will tell them: “This is what happens when you turn this milestone number…..your BFF and her family will get you a shirt like this. They all have a laugh on me, and I have fun seeing their reaction.
I have worn both the red one, she gave me first, and the black one she ordered for me until it got too hot to wear the long sleeves. I should have asked if they had 3/4 sleeves I guess. So I wore them often until hot weather and will wear them a lot until after Christmas because they are only good until January and then they will be telling a lie.
Or maybe…I will continue to wear them after my next birthday and tell people that I am the age it says I am. I’ll be one year older but most people won’t know the difference……. the fun can continue for me when I wear them even after my next birthday.
Now you have been warned about turning this monumental number and what can happen on your special day. But it backfired on my BFF’s daughter because I love my birthday shirts and intend to wear both of them until my next birthday and beyond. No one but my BFF, her daughter and now my readers will know that I am not the age on the shirt anymore. (I know my readers will keep my secret.) To Contact Sandy: [email protected]
So what is on my birthday shirt?
(In Dog Years I would be 490)


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