Reflections From Boys State

A Cowboy's Faith


Attendance at Boys State Of Kansas more than half a century ago was a memorable experience.
For a grocery store carryout boy, wannabe cowboy, it was like nothing before and still seems a rather unusual time.
Exact occurrences back then cannot be recalled, but recent reports of this year’s Boys State were a reminder.
Selection to attend was evidently made by high school faculty from junior class boys. Sponsor was the American Legion which paid fees, but attendees were responsible for transportation there and back.
A good friend classmate rode along when Dad and Mom drove to the University of Kansas KU. It was one of the few times ever recalled when they provided a ride to such an event.
Never having been to the Lawrence campus, that alone created a certain nervous tension for a country boy. Uncertain when changes were made, but Boys State is now at Kansas State University in Manhattan with college credit for attending.
Arrival was Sunday afternoon with the weeklong sessions seeming an awfully long time to be away from home.
Purpose was to learn “government, political, and leadership skills through role play civic exercise.” Uncertain if that objective was met, but it sure seemed like a “military type environment.”
Boys who had attended Boys State previously served as leaders and always demanded attention. They made several-times daily inspections and required addressing them by their full name which was a personal difficulty.
There was a parade every day with participants obligated to march across campus. Personally, taking a camera along to get photographs was heavily reprimanded by one of the “officials.”
Perhaps the best part of Boys State was a dance one evening where girls from somewhere were brought in to serve as partners. They really were not all that happy to be there, but grudgingly would dance one time when asked.
Developing friendships was said to be a benefit of Boys State, but not one longtime acquaintance was made.
A Boys State slideshow program was presented afterward at a civic club meeting. It must have been boring, because a couple club members seemed anxious for it to be over.
Boys State was a once in a lifetime opportunity that seemingly sadly did not have much positive aftereffects.
Reminded of Proverbs 1:6: “There’s something for the experience to learn fresh wisdom.”


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