Potato Cakes

The Covered Dish


All the leftovers are behind us, and we are forging ahead into some super busy days on the horizon.  Friday I found out I needed to make 10 more dozen cookies for an event next weekend.  I didn’t get started on it over the holiday but Monday evening I’ll crank out more dough and bake them later in the week.  The chosen this time around is ginger cookies and snickerdoodles.


I left the boys in heaven when I made a big batch of these potato cakes after Thanksgiving.  Not only did they have corn, but I also added green chilies and green onion.  They were so good!  We enjoyed them for supper and Sunday morning we fried the remaining batter with bacon and eggs. Made for an outstanding Sunday morning, the best part was I started the breakfast and then Phillip finished it and served.


Sometimes when these are presented it’s nice to add a dollop of sour cream and salsa over the top.  They never fail to be a big crowd pleaser.  As you will note when I originally wrote the recipe I actually prepared them using Bob Evans fresh potatoes, from the refrigerator section at the grocery store.  It actually works quite well!  It’s not the most economical way to make potato cakes, but in a pinch you got it.


This week my office is busy preparing a float for the Kimberling City and Crane holiday parades this coming weekend.  Things are falling into place and a little bit of work is left for Friday night, before the big day.  It’s great to work together on this great cause.  It’s also the end of the month which means month end reports are due, oh darn.


On the home-front I’m still finishing up holiday décor, heading outside trying to light a fire under my husband, Ervin.  I’d like to see my big white reindeer hanging out in the front yard this year.  I’m in charge of the HOA décor, so that too needs our attention this week.


Enjoy your week, remember to take time to sit a bit and just ‘sit’.  You know I’m preaching to myself too!  Simply Yours, The Covered Dish.  www.thecovereddish.com


Corn & Potato Cakes

1 (15 oz.) can whole kernel corn, drained

24 ounces (3 cups) mashed potatoes

1 ½ teaspoons baking powder

1 large egg

1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

¼ cup finely diced onion

½ teaspoon seasoning salt

¼ cup flour


Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.  You can make these cakes/fritters in a deep fat fryer or on a griddle.  Brush the griddle with oil and drop just a few cakes on at a time.  Cook until the fritter is golden brown and then flip over.


Consider using chives, green chilies, green onions, roasted red peppers, and different cheeses in this dish.


In many regions folks top their fritters or corn cakes with honey & sweet jellies, jams and salsas and the like.  My family wouldn’t even consider any of these embellishments, they love them just the way they’re prepared.






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