By Frank J. Buchman
Like always, there are bad times with the good, and producers need to know both sides.
An outlook for agriculture production is to be presented during the Farm Profit Conference, Wednesday evening, March 18, at the elementary school in Westmoreland.
“This will be the final of four programs presented by 580 WIBW this winter, and the speakers have indicated several changes have occurred in the economic outlook in recent weeks,” according to Kelly Lenz, conference coordinator and longtime farm director of 580 WIBW, event host.

Coordinated in cooperation with the Pottawatomie County Extension Service, the conference will get underway shortly after 5 o’clock, when doors of the school at 205 South Fourth Street are set to open. A large number of sponsors will have a diverse display of booths set up to discuss their offerings with those attending.
The complimentary beef supper begins at 6 o’clock, and the informational panel will start presentations at 6:45.
Whatever technology and management used, farm and ranch profitability is ultimately determined by the uncontrollable weather. But, it’s important to attempt to work the best ways possible with nature’s overpowering elements, and Mary Knapp, the assistant state climatologist from Manhattan, will present “The 2015 Weather Outlook,” as the kickoff speaker.

Several issues are before the Kansas Legislature which could have a dramatic effect on landowners, and all types of agriculture producers. Aaron Popelka, vice president of legal and governmental affairs for the Kansas Livestock Association headquartered in Topeka, is to present an update on the daily forever changing “Kansas Tax Legislation.”
Always the climax speaker for Farm Profit Conferences, Darrell Holiday of Country Futures at Frankfort will verify “The Sky Is Not Falling, But There Is A Heavy Fog,” during his dynamic, factually supported, but most entertaining discussion.
Again, the Farm Profit Conference is all free to everybody. But, to make sure nobody goes without the beef supper, reservations are essential. They should be made by calling the Pottawatomie County Extension Service, at 785-457-3319, or e-mail [email protected] . This must be done no later than noon on March 17, so the beef can be prepared to its ultimate tenderness and tastiness.
Farm Profit Conferences hosted by 580 WIBW, at Rossville, Council Grove and Ottawa earlier this winter, have attracted record attendance with nearly 600 farmers, ranchers and agriculture business affiliates participating in the sessions.