Our Wacky World

A Note from Dylan's Desk


There’s no denying that we live in one of the weirdest times in our lifespans. In the “post”-COVID aftermath too many world events have transpired and I’m still paying too many dollars per gallon of gas. Now you can say what you will about the supposed political influence on that last listing, but blame as we wish, it is the way that it is. Not to mention the rising prices in every market that seem to have no end in sight for the time being. What weird times we live in indeed. In light of these rather saddening reminders of weirdness, I thought you could do with some more amusing pieces of wacky news. More specifically, wacky news that is in other words, bizarre, bonkers, or unequivocally preposterous in some way shape, or form.
Starting off with the romantic, and wonderful vows of marriage and the pizza that comes with it. Yes, you read that sentence right, an Indian couple decided to tie the knot a couple of weeks ago with their relationship and thought they might as well throw in a bout of monthly pizza and a gym membership. In a bizarre series of events following their marriage, the couple signed a “romantic” pledge to receive both of these things so that they may both live happily. It is their way of bonding to one another and hey, if it works for them, it works. What? You mean you didn’t sign a pizza agreement with your wife on your wedding day?
Now, it’s a well-known fact that Disney pretty much owns the market in terms of top-grossing movies of our time. With every Marvel Movie attempting to reach over the top of the other. Believe it or not, however, this hot-shot new movie has since taken precedent over recent marvel releases to some’s surprise. The new release of Top Gun: Maverick defeated the recent Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness, and has continued on to become the top-grossing movie of the year so far. The movie itself is quite good, and if you haven’t seen it yet, here’s your sign to do so. Perhaps this year the top-grossing movie title will stay out of Disney’s hand for a bit, but who knows with the opening of Thor: Love and Thunder.
Everyone loves Christmas, but unless you’re a complete fanatic, you know that Christmas stays in the winter season specifically on December 25th. Apparently, no one bothered to tell these archeologists that, as they supposedly discovered the tomb of the big man himself. St. Nick may not be real in the way we know him, but the legends are based on the real St. Nicholas. In St. Nicholas Church in Demre, Turkey, the church inhabitants had discovered an interesting shrine and tomb of the supposed inspiration for the children’s tale we all know today. All I know is that somebody’s getting coal in their stocking for interrupting Santa’s slumber.
There are plenty more bizarre, odd, and interestingly weird stories out there to be discovered. For example, just take a look at Floridan news every now and then, they’re always doing something to test the limits of sanity down there. It is nice to take a look at bonkers news that doesn’t affect you much. Let’s you know that you must be sane after all, if the rest of the world is as crazy as it usually appears. With all that being said, enjoy this weird world and have a wacky week you crazy people.


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