Morris County Youth Rodeo Aug. 1 at Council Grove


By Frank J. Buchman

The Morris County Youth Rodeo Association will host a Youth Rodeo, Saturday evening, Aug. 1, 6 o’clock, at the arena just east of Council Grove, according to Clay Wilson, president of the sponsoring group.

With junior, intermediate and senior divisions, competition is to include steer riding, goat tying, breakaway roping, barrel racing, pole bending, chute dogging, calf roping and team roping.

Working prizes will go to the top four entries in each event, and there will be  special awards for the all-around cowgirl and cowboy in each age division.

Entries with fees of $3 per class must be made to the rodeo secretary Heidi Lange, 564 F Avenue, Alta Vista, Kansas, 66834, by July 30. E-mail address is [email protected], and phone is 785-466-0188.


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