Morris County 4-H Foundation Honors Retiring Trustee, Recognizes Members


Special recognition for dedicated service to 4-H club work in Morris County and longtime unending commitment of leadership to the Morris County 4-H Foundation highlighted that group’s annual Lifetime Member Recognition Banquet Friday evening in Council Grove.


Karen Meyers was honored with presentation of a spring flower bouquet and standing ovation for her 24 years of service as a trustee of the Foundation.


She served six years as president of the 4-H support-organization, and several other leadership and committee roles through the years. One of her efforts has been coordinating the program of 4-H member presentations for the annual banquet, which Mrs. Meyers did again this year.


Growing up and living most of her life at Dwight, Mrs. Meyers has moved to Sedgwick to be near her children and their families, but was relentless to never miss a meeting of the 4-H Foundation trustees.


A member of the Dwight Sunflowers 4-H Club as a youth, Mrs. Meyers and her husband, Earl, served as leaders of that club, while their daughters, Shannon, Dionne, Amy and Erica were members.


Mrs. Meyers continued as a community leader after her husband’s passing, and long after she had no children involved in 4-H club work. She was also the foods superintendent at the Morris County Fair for many years.


Deep regret was apparent as Mrs. Meyers publicly informed the group she was going to step down from her long service as a trustee of the Morris County 4-H Foundation.


During the 4-H Foundation’s annual business session, her sister Cynthia Schrader of Alta Vista was nominated and elected to serve in that position.


As part of additional banquet awards presentations, the Earl and Karen Meyers Family was recognized as a Bronze Award recipient. The Earl L. Meyers Bronze Memorial had been given earlier in tribute to his life’s dedication to 4-H club work.


A number of Mrs. Meyers family including children, grandchildren, sister, brother, nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews was in attendance.


Larry Johnson, president of the 4-H Foundation, presided over the evening session hosted by the Foundation trustees. The banquet meal prepared by the First Baptist Church Foundation Sunday School Class was served by a group of Morris County 4-H members.


The 4-H member program, introduced by Mrs. Meyers, featured Anna Schrader, Dwight Sunflowers, pledge of allegiance; Mason Ellerman, Burdick Hustlers, 4-H pledge; Justine Lee, Dwight Sunflowers, reading; Abbie Schroeder, Flint Hills, demonstration; Chancy Johnson, Dwight Sunflowers, and Mandy Wainwright, Flint Hills, team illustrated talk; and Morgan Poole, Dwight Sunflowers, vocal solo.


Lori Bammerlin, Morris County Extension agricultural agent, gave an update on the 4-H program in Morris County.


Recognition awards were presented by trustees Frank Buchman and Larry Landgren. A Lifetime Membership Award went to The John N. True Memorial.


Other recipients in addition to the Meyers family included:


Lifetime Membership — Cardie Oil Inc., Guy Hermstein, Hays House Restaurant; Phyllis Metzger; NAPA The Parts Place, Redbud Design Rick and Alisa Paul, Monty and Kimberly Stilwell, and Vanier Land Company LP accepted by Ray Ellerman.


Bronze Awards — Frank Buchman Family, Flint Hills RECA, Roger and Roland Peterson, Donald R. Peterson Santa Fe Ag Services and Clyde M. and Mary Alice Waylan.


Gold Award — Virginia Miller accepted by Larry Johnson.


Emerald Award — Gordon and Deanna Smith.


Also, during the business session, secretary Mary Alice Waylan presented minutes from the last annual meeting, and treasurer Larry Landgren gave the financial report.


Trustee Connie Burton determined those eligible for awards and handled banquet reservations. Trustee Carolyn Andres coordinated the banquet and assisted Mrs. Waylan in setup, decorations and favors courtesy of Tri-County Telephone Association and Neosho Gardens.


Mrs. Andres and Landgren were members of the nominating committee reporting, with Buchman and Mrs. Waylan re-elected to continue serving in their expiring trustee terms.


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