Downsizing reality & Garage Sale

Laugh Tracks in the Dust Syndicated Column by Thought And Laugh Enterprises


E-mail: [email protected]

As Nevah and I keep plugging away at downsizing, we keep running into more and more stuff we have to dispense with — and we keep hitting snags that ain’t making it easier.
Here’s what I’m talking about. In preparing for our Garage & Yard Sale on April 15 & 16, we went to Emporia last week to do some advertising and tack up some flyers. But, we ended up in the emergency room getting Nevah stitched up from an unfortunate and unexpected up-close inspection of a sidewalk.
Then yesterday, we spent most of the day getting our huge garage cleaned up and ready for the sale. I guess I overdid the exercise bit and tweaked a knee because today I’m using a rolling walker to try and prevent my having a fall like Nevah. Ah, such are the joys of getting old.
But, unless something more drastic happens, we still plan to hold our garage sale as planned. For folks who might be interested in what we are downsizing, here’s a partial broad list: women and men’s clothing, hunting clothes, linens and pillows, hardcover book of all kinds, music of all kinds (old vinyl LP, CD’s and cassettes), tools of all sorts, knick knacks, cap collection, Stetson hats, cowboy boots, hunting and fishing items, dishes.
In short, we’ll be trying to disperse the stuff we won’t be able to move into our new home by, hopefully, next fall.
For information about the garage sale, give me a cellphone call at 620-344-1350.
We’ve had more signs that spring is really here. On the spring bird front, his week I’ve spied my first buzzard, my first purple finch, and a big flock of Boattail Grackles. A pair of Canada geese has set up nesting residence on our pond.
Still awaiting the appearances of Purple Martins, Barn Swallows, Mockingbirds, and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.
Also, a little apple tree and the apricot tree are in full bloom, as are the ornamental pears. The other apple trees, the Bartlett Pear and cherry tree blossoms are about to pop, as are the Redbud trees. More dandelions every day and purple henbit, too.
And, to top off the true signs of a Flint Hills spring, the temperature yesterday reached 88 degrees. Overnight we got two-tenths of an inch of rain and this morning it was 28 degrees for the Old Geezers’ Breakfast Club. So, good-bye fruit in bloom. And, the annual tall-grass rejuvenation burnoff is in full swing — weather permitting.
Dedicated readers of my column know about my love affair with limericks. You might even call it a penchant. So, here are some that might bring a chuckle.

A TV reporter named Carol
Thought farming was “so much pork-barrel.”
She started criticizing bacon
And kept bellyachin’
’Til her food supply was really in peril.

The federal EPA is no fake
In WOTUS waters to regulate.
You’ll see it’s no sham
When it throws up a dam
And makes your whole wheat field a lake.

With a calculated roll of the dice,
Imported beef would to dampen its price.
But the play to consumers
Backfired — made them fumers.
When there was no beef to eat, only rice.

A progressive hog man named Thorens
Wanted hogs that could harvest acorns.
So, he bought long-legged gilts,
Put his boars up on stilts,
Now his pigs graze oak trees while they’re growin’.

An dot-com billionaire named Greer
Bought grand champion barrows and steers.
When asked why he’d bought ‘em,
He said that he got ‘em.
To raise pork and beef the next year.
Enuf drivel. Wise words for the week: “Think you are old, you’ll be old. Think you are young, you’ll be delusional.”
Have a good ‘un.


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