Back to days of the buggy whip


Consider the way Trump Republicans think about the world, the universe. They pull out of the Paris Climate Accord, offering no substance, no evidence or analysis to justify their middle finger to the world’s civilized nations.

And Republicare? Again, no consulting with health care experts, no study of previous efforts at health care reform, no research into the costs. No interest at all in history, design, purpose. Much worse, there has been not one minute of hearings to seek public opinion, patient concerns, industry outlook, no concern for devising a plan that made sense, political, economic or otherwise. The Republicans’ so-called plan was just another stick in the eye of the many concerned Americans, and no matter their politics.

Climate change, health care, civilized behavior, embracing the 21st century in all its challenge and opportunity, none of this matters to Trump Republicans. If they’d been running things all along, the Congress would declare no need for bridges on a flat Earth, subsidize buggy whips in Detroit and stomp on penicillin as fake science from Scotland.

Electricity? Who needs it? Coal is the answer, not the zapping fantasies of some crackpot inventor. Besides, we have gas. Gas is best for lighting Trumpworld.

Defining it, too.



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