Night Time Shopping


Infomercials are amazingly crazy!  The later in the evening they grab you the more insane the conversation seems to get.  I’m somewhat convinced that there must be some drinking going on behind the scenes.  How else could these folks keep up the level of excitement that they are able to display!  I get sucked in like watching a train wreck.  It can be about a set of pans that I have absolutely no need or desire to own, but they will catch me with a cool cooking technique and the next thing I know I am sitting back writing a recipe down and trying to convince myself that I do not need or want these great eco-friendly items.

Then come the crazy celebrities hawking their “own” line of jewelry, tanning products or clothing items guaranteed to hold you in at the exact spot that I didn’t even realize was a problem until they pointed it out. What am I supposed to do now!!  I probably NEED that “muffin top, wrapper & binder yatta yatta” more than I need life itself.  I love when the holidays roll around and they start pulling out all the stops and add LED lights to Thomas Kinkade tapestries of “hometowny” Christmas scenes that are the only way to finish anyone’s holiday décor.

One of my favorite designers to watch is Isaac Mizrahi.  This guy is sooo funny.  He spends most of his on air time chatting it up with his models and lounging around in what my Dad would call a smoking jacket and slippers.  He is the first to make fun of himself and is extremely quick on his feet when in live telephone conversations with his customers.

One evening I had taken a sleep aid, or at least that is my excuse, and I made an investment in my face and its future.  About a week later I received what is, in essence, a sand blasting kit for your pores.  It is actually a pretty slick set-up, but I must admit that I would probably not have made this commitment to my skin care regimen had I not been “under the influence” of a mind altering medication that the Home Shopping Network probably sells in a different episode!  This stuff should come with a warning – “ not to be held responsible for any ridiculous purchases made over the phone lines”!


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