Increasing Length of Life

A Cowboy’s Faith


“Time of death has been predetermined the day one is born.”

Aunt Freda made that comment six decades ago during breakfast at her house before heading out to hunt pheasants.

It rang a bell of sorts that morning and has been remembered and recalled ever since, especially on Memorial Day.

With no proven reasoning behind people’s longevity “many die before their time.” Some pass suddenly very young, others middle-aged from accident or heath intrusions, and many simply die from old age. Everybody dies, and there’s no way getting around it.

Nobody knows when their final day living as a body on Earth will be. Yet certain lifestyles seem to bring an earlier death.

Centenarians and others not quite as mature usually have similar philosophies about living to be old, although without medical substantiation.

Three biggies taking young lives are tobacco, liquor and food, yet there are vast exceptions in every case.

Majority of the population used tobacco of some form in earlier years, and many suffered from it, going early to their graves.

Several friends overconsumed liquor and passed away years ago, while limited alcohol intake has been proclaimed advantageous.

Everybody must have food, and generally enjoys eating, but overconsumption or malnutrition may either lead to early fatality.

Exercise is essential whatever the maturity with more typically better than less. Those who retire exercising in the rocking chair enjoy fewer retirement years.

All attribute to improved blood flow and fewer heart ailments.

Activity of mind talking, listening, reading, positive thinking, dreaming, planning increases longevity.

Cancer remains major cause of early death unbacked by scientific understanding.
Sun’s rays are healing, while overexposure proves harmful.

Stress is impossible to calculate, yet simplified, “there’s nothing worth worrying one sick about.”

Restful sleep is essential but too much sleep is as harmful as too little while a daily nap is beneficial.

Little consideration is often given to senses and physical body ignoring protection of eyes, ears, lungs, back, legs and shoulders.

Morality is controversial yet sometimes seems to influence longevity.

Most important, live life to the fullest, each day as if the last on Earth, and always do the best possible. Of course, a horseback ride very day would help, too.

Reminded of Psalm 91:16: “With a long life I will satisfy Him and He will see my salvation.”


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