By Doris Schroeder
There is absolutely nothing on this earth that can do more to put a spring in your step than to glance at the calendar and realize it is that famous day, just between March 20 and 21 when SPRING has arrived.
The season comes at just this opportune time when the days and nights are exactly equal in length. We have all agonized over a painful winter and cannot wait to enjoy the soft, scintillating breezes that signify we have made it once again. The soft twitter of the robins refresh our winter-weary bodies with quick energy. The colorful ground breaking of the tulips and crocuses help our eyes to once again focus on the beauty of life that surround us. The sunshine revs up the old motors in our aging bodies and we once again feel the renewed hope that spring brings upon us.
Many years this has happened to us who are older. It does mean we have made it to another Spring as we realize that since we made it this far, we are probably good for another year at least. Our minds are full of ideas and plans again and we wish we had time to carry them all out. By now, however, we realize, there will never be enough time to get everything done we have dreamed of doing.
Hubby will be planting his seed potatoes. They will need to be cared for. The grass will begin to turn green, as it begins to grow once again. It will require mowing, and watering, and fertilizing. We will get it done, only to turn around and start over again. The weeds will come up and require pulling. While they are being pulled, the weeds will be growing in another area. The house windows will need to be washed and shined, some things repainted, carpets cleaned and floors shined. But one thing we can count on, it won’t stay done!
But wait a minute. Will we ever get everything done at once? What in the world would we look forward to if we finished all our work? Would we spend that time in a useful way if we had time on our hands or would we sit back and get completely lazy. What would happen to our ambition, or inventiveness, or new ideas if we always got to sit idly by and twiddle our thumbs?
They say “In spring, a young man’s fancy turns to love!” Is that for only a youth or can’t older people experience that excitement too? I think we feel it in a different, more contented way. As I thank God for my mate, I feel truly blest to have someone beside me in all my endeavors. How good to be able to discuss things that are happening in our lives with someone who knows me pretty well. Oh, certainly we are not exactly alike. We both have habits or traits that the other one doesn’t, but that’s what loving is all about. We love them anyways.
I used to think when Spring came upon me that now, with this extra energy, I would try to be the perfect mother, the perfect wife, the perfect Christian. Only to find that after awhile, I would flub up once again. It was discouraging.
Some of us who are getting older find it harder to walk with a spring in our step. It’s only when we feel enthused that we can accomplish that and even then, it’s difficult. It’s only when we take our eyes off of being the perfect person and leave ourselves open to simply following the way God leads us, that we can feel that energy that comes from “letting go and letting God.” And it is so much better for the stress level in our lives. Everyone has their strong points and talents, but no one has them all, so we can be content in the ones God gave us.
As we follow his path, we can take a little time when someone needs a little encouragement. As we also celebrate the first day of Spring, we can be ready to tell what it means that Christ died on the cross, by what it has meant to us. We don’t have to run around like a chicken with his head cut off, we can be at ease because we know, wherever he leads us, it is to our good.
As Spring rolls around again, I want to spend some time alone with God and enjoy his presence. After that, I know I can walk with Spring in my step! If you are doing the same thing, let’s be sure and wave when we pass each other!
Doris welcomes your comments and can be reached at