I remember: Random thoughts on a snowy day


By Doris Schroeder

Sitting by my office window, I see the snow is falling down in little currents of white, covering the landscape of our front yard, and awakening the memories of the last week, and of course, some recollections from further back.

I guess I could start with last Monday when hubby and I sat down to watch the KU-K-State game on television. At first I wasn’t much interested because K-State hadn’t been doing too well. Consequently, I was doing some menial tasks while I watched. John was not grumbling, however, so I paid a little more attention. Actually the score stayed fairly close and I could see a glimmer of hope and began to watch more closely. At half-time, we were a point ahead…“Perhaps a win is imminent!”  I ascertained. When the game continued it had our whole attention and the victory was glorious.

However, after the game ended, I saw the fans descend to the playing floor, something I always cringe at and hate to see. I remember thinking “Why can’t we win like ladies and gentlemen?” Evidently, some did get carried away with their enthusiasm.

It makes one wonder, doesn’t it?  In our world today, is it that important to win that we don’t care about others anymore? Is it so important that our team wins that we will go to any lengths to achieve that? I hope not.

On Tuesday, hubby and I worked on our Sand Hill Plum Jam again and will be having it for sale at the Farmer’s Market. By now, we have quite a regiment of doing it. I will, however, be glad when we have emptied- our freezer of the Kansas plums!

Friday, after I’d taken my sister-in-law to the foot doctor, we went to another sister-in-law’s home for a gathering. The one sister-in-law came from the Sunshine Home where she and her husband have just moved.  They are still adjusting to keeping their keys with them because, of course, they aren’t used to it.

I know for myself, it does get harder to develop different habits from what you are used to as you get older. It does, however, get better with time, and I’m sure it will for them.

Later, we all went down in the van to see their living quarters at the home. I was impressed with the apartment. It was well arranged and convenient. It just takes a little time to get used to.

However, as we went back to the van and started getting in, one got her fingers slammed in the van door and screamed. We hurried back to the house and put an ice pack on her fingers and it seemed to not be too bad. I must add “she didn’t even cry!” If she were like me, she would have had a desire to really whimper!

As we again sat around the “faspa” table and enjoyed our zwiebach, sand hill plum jam , Jell-o and pie. We continued talking about life in general, the older days, and of course, we touched on some of the new inventions of life today. “It’s not easy getting older, but then again, as my doctor once told me “What’s the alternative?’

Getting older is a lot like playing basketball, isn’t it? You practice a lot, try to remember the plays and do your best. If you lose the game, you take it on the chin, congratulate the other player and practice a little harder. If you win, you still thank the other player for his actions and part as friends.

The first  part of that strategy does get easier as we grow older…because hopefully we have grown wiser by that time. We realize our limitations and know that if we are “born-again” Christians, we can depend on God’s help in every situation. Since God is all-powerful, all-knowing and everywhere present, He certainly can be trusted to give us the right help.

The white snow continues to fall gently on the landscape as I look out the window. It  also carries on the color of the life of us senior citizens. We need not fear what will happen to us if we have given Him control, let us enjoy every moment, and remember where our keys are located!

Doris appreciates your comments and can be reached at [email protected]



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