Homemade Tick Repellent

The Covered Dish



I’ve written some interesting columns in the past 17 years, and today’s ‘share’ will definitely become a member of this prestigious group! I’ve featured soap recipes, detergent mixes, hand cream even deer repellent recipes. Here in the Missouri Ozarks we have habitats that provide the perfect elements for most Midwest ‘ticks’. In truth, for those working outdoors it can become a constant worry and health risk.

Probably the fastest way to protect one’s self from these pesky arachnidans (eight-legged) is to grab a commercial product from the local hardware or farm store. Remember I said the ‘fastest’ protection, not the safest. This week I would like to focus on healthy, safe ways to protect ourselves from the infest of ticks.

As a young girl, growing up on her grandpa’s farm, I watched my family take extra precautions in the fields, for a variety of safety reasons. The men would tuck the bottom of their pantlegs into their boots and wear long sleeve shirts. Light colors were also recommended so you could spot the ticks better. In more modern times they suggested putting your ‘dirty’ clothes in the dryer on high for 10 minutes.

As a farmer you can pick up ticks in every facet of farm life. My grandfather kept his pasture mowed for much the same reason as we mow our yards. To keep snakes at bay and to cut down on the infestation of specific bugs that would irritate the cattle and possibly cause disease. Keeping the cattle away from heavily wooded areas and fence lines with heavy shade is also a wise tactic.
Most ‘fly’ control methods will also help handle the tick populations. Remember the old dust bags hanging in the pasture?

So, my son begins his new career in HVAC this spring. As you can expect ‘newbies’ get the jobs others choose not to do! He is frequently found in crawl spaces, basements, and other outdoor areas where the tick infestation is abundant. For a while he came home with ticks continually. Then his significant other, Paige, got busy creating an all-natural repellent. Readers, it has worked!
He is no longer covered with ticks at the close of the workday!!! I asked for Paige’s recipe, so here goes:

Paige’s Natural Tick Repellent
Witch Hazel
Lemon oil
Citronella oil
Rosemary oil
Peppermint oil
Lavender oil
Notice there are no amounts. She tells me to start at the top, using the highest amount of witch hazel, and then the smallest amount of Lavender oil. Knowing cooks like I do, I’m not sure this is going to be exact enough. Let me make a few quick guidelines for you.

1/4 cup Witch Hazel
6 drops Lemon oil
6 drops Citronella oil
8 drops Rosemary oil
5 drops Peppermint oil
5 drops Lavender oil

I chose more Rosemary oil because of these facts: Rosemary is known as the G.O.A.T in essential oils. From skin & hair to the ‘earthy’ tone it gives foods this is a powerful product. The research I uncovered on skin benefits were outstanding.
I had no idea how powerful this oil could be on acne and breakouts of the skin. It can clarify clogged pores and basically decongests the skin. It provides antibacterial benefits and can be used as an antioxidant reducing puffy eyes. It helps with circulation and provides a serene and calming effect on the body.

It would take me about 3-4 pages to cover the benefits of all these wonderful natural oils. All of the oils presented are tick repellents. For many critters including ticks, the smell of peppermint, lemon and lavender is a strong deterrent. Other oils you may find in natural repellents may be cedar wood and geranium oil. Both of these are highly recommended as natural repellents. One guide for the oil amounts suggests doing a total of about 30 drops of essential oils. You can divide them down as you desire. If you use only 3 natural oils, do 10 drops each. If you use only 2 oils do 15 drops each, you get the picture. I also noted some folks put a ‘bit’ of water with witch hazel, ($4.00) for the base. When you get ready to go to work spritz yourself generously and consider re-applying it throughout the day, especially when you can’t smell it anymore. I picked up the small $1.00 sprayers located in the travel size aisle, within health and beauty at Walmart.

Lastly; what about the cost. The initial investment for Paige’s recipe will be about $31.00. Walmart sells the oils at 4.87 each. Thinking this is too much money, think again. You can get 15-20 drops from each ml. One third of an ounce of lavender oil has 10ml or roughly 200 drops! Once you make the investment you should have enough oil for 2-3 years of protection!

Alrighty, let’s eradicate those ticks! Simply yours, The Covered Dish.
Last minute thought: Make ‘take-home’ bottles of the product at your upcoming grandma camp. The kiddos can make it and use some as gifts, etc.
Go to the Walmart website and order your small bottles. Don’t forget to make a nice label. I would also make this for kids to use at all their summer camps.



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