Holidays arrive early: A face lift for Garfield!


Garfield Street, between Second and Kansas, has a new, smooth, gleaming surface, a fabulous event for northeast Lindsborg.

For years, this had been an ornery stretch of pits and potholes, among the city’s most disagreeable tracks, constantly rejecting every attempt to patch it and make it better. A crew would approach and toil away: Ha! the road would sneer, and within a week return to its old teeth-rattling ways.

Here were two blocks of bone-jarring, bounce-ride, bronc-bust motoring, a threat to driver and vehicle alike. This narrow path, its edges peeling away, was not so much navigated as survived. The driver jerked the wheel to avoid its craters, its sharp cracks and humps, all while strapped into the seat, holding tight – and praying for no oncoming traffic. This was no road for sharing. It was an experience not unlike the worst days of driving to the summit at Coronado Heights – just shorter.

But now it’s fixed. We think immediately of Lewis Carroll: O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! We chortle in our joy. Christmas in June! The road is fixed and not too soon! We have no details yet, but our guess is that a gold crown is in order for the city’s public works department. We had no idea asphalt could look this good.


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