Good Views, Good News

A Note from Dylan's Dest


Every now and then there comes a time when I get bogged down in the nuance of modern news networks. Staring at screens, reading headline after headline in a common trend known as “doom-scrolling”. There will always be an excess of bad news that fills our headlines throughout the media, but what about all the good news? It’s out there, even if it’s not quite as advertised in the current journalism market. Wouldn’t it be great if when we scrolled through our phones, we got all the good news first? Regardless of idealistic thinking, let’s take a look at some pieces of good news from today.

The popular radio station NPR (National Public Radio) in Kansas City recently featured a publication on Kansans and their attention to the environment around them. The feature included mentions of various Kansans for their work in ensuring that native prairie environments stay native and all the efforts they’ve put into fighting invasive species from other parts of the world. This specific article was about Shawnee County and its efforts in fighting back against the Rogue Ornamental Pear trees. These trees are inedible to caterpillars and as such, are promoting a lack of food for native songbirds. Unfortunately, this situation is way too common in Kansas’s present day. Things like bush honeysuckle promote tick populations and take valuable sunlight from native flowers that bees depend on. The fact that we are starting efforts in conservation for our native prairie warms my heart, and I hope it does your’s too.

Summer is coming and with it, adventure, good vibes, and a fun time with the family. If you’re beginning your plans for camping and such, I would encourage you to stop at a couple of small towns around the area. For example, for those of you in Kanopolis this summer, why not pop by the nearby town of Lindsborg, Kansas? Its Swedish attractions, not to mention Coronado Heights, are worth a visit. Up by Wilson Lake? Try the world’s biggest ball of twine or the world’s largest Czech Egg. My point is, there are so many wonderful tourist destinations in this great state of ours. Not to mention the wonderfully hospitable people you meet everywhere you go. This summer, take some time to make some of your own good news, Kansas has plenty to offer.

If you’re one for public concerts, be on the lookout for them this year. There are already many gathering up in the local areas. McPherson for example, has a lovely brass choir that just performed a couple of weeks ago. The rural areas surrounding Hutchinson and other municipalities have plenty of their own concerts to offer. Close to Land is a new group performing some of their own pieces at Twisted Pine Farms, a lovely venue in Reno County later this month. I would encourage you to look around your local towns. You never know what kind of community music and theater events are going on, and I’ve already seen lot’s of opportunities.

With all this being said, I suppose focusing more on the local areas of towns is a good way to get more of the good stuff in life. After all, the communities around us are what sustain us through thick and thin. As you go about your day and week, I would encourage you to look for the good news in every part of life. Paying strict attention to the doom and gloom will only result in you feeling doom and gloom. Regardless, take time to be intentionally happy, and if you can, spread that to someone else too.


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