Full Slate Of Old Time Farming Traditions And Entertainment At Meriden Threshing Show

Old Time Farming


Harvest the old fashioned way will be demonstrated as highlight of the annual Meriden Threshing Show.

“Threshing will be featured, but we have a full schedule of activities Friday through Sunday, July 16-17-18, at the Meriden Antique Engine and Threshers Association grounds just east of town on Highway K-4,” according to Jess Noll, president.

A flea market with craft spaces is planned throughout the show, with concessions available at the chuck wagon.

There’ll be threshing Friday and Saturday at 10 o’clock and at 2 o’clock all three days with a parade also early every afternoon.

“This year we’ll be featuring Stover and Hercules engines, Minneapolis Moline tractors, along with crawlers and industrial equipment. However, all tractor and engine owners are welcome to participate,” Noll said.

A garden tractor pull is planned Friday evening at 7 o’clock, Saturday morning at 9 o’clock, and Sunday morning at 11 o’clock.

The children’s pedal tractor pull and an antique tractor pull are Saturday afternoon starting at 3 o’clock.

Musical entertainment will feature Rick Johnson and Midnight Special on Friday evening, with Paul Root and the Sierra Band on stage Saturday evening. It’s suggested everybody bring their lawn chairs for comfortable enjoyment of the shows which will start at 8 o’clock.

Bloomfield Church begins at 9 o’clock, Sunday, and there’ll be a slow tractor race at 10:30.

In addition to these specially planned attractions, visitors can tour Cottonwood Station, the living history town. They’ll see the Benedict Meyer log cabin built in 1854, among other replications of life nearly two centuries ago.

The most complete working blacksmith shop in the Midwest will be in operation. A thick and thin sawmill is to be cutting lumber each day.

Information is available at www.meridenthreshers.org, and on Facebook.


Garden tractor pulls will be just one of many attractions at the Meriden Threshing Show, July 16-17-18.

Those attending the annual Meriden Threshing Show, July 16-17-18, can tour the general store at Cottonwood Station, living history town.

Old-fashioned threshing will be featured every day, July 16-17-18, at the annual Meriden Threshing Show.


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